

prey of a creature,...
what is the main difference between humans and animals?who is better than whom? who have humanity, animals or human beings ?
animals can't control their emotions but we humans can control our emotions,...
to me animals are greater than human beings cause they express their genuine emotions to others,.. they only forage when they are famished,....

but, some disguised creatures who are masked as a human to hunt the girls for their own pleasures and needs,......
they don't care about the victims life,..nor they feel guilty for their grave sins ,..

being a victim who have done nothing wrong but got criticized by the society,... lost their life,... lost their courage,... and got depressed.being weak is not their fault,...

being a human we should respect each gender,... and help each others ,...not by raping others for your own pleasures nor leaving those sinful person's for this society's so called cultures and family prides,...