

Good Husband
Good Husband

Friday nights always excite you. This is the time to unleash your true self and be the man that you are. You drive your car at a very slow speed. Both sides of the road are filled with women wearing the smallest clothes they can carry with the heaviest makeup to lure every driver passing the road at the same speed as yours. This is not the usual path you follow to go home. But tonight, it’s different. You see a girl in a miniskirt and off-shoulder crop top standing against the signboard. She catches your ogling eyes and smirks at you. She starts to walk towards your car. You are mapping her with your eyes wearing a stoic expression on your face. She puts her hand on the passenger seat window and leans forward to show her body from a different angle, clearly serving your eyes an open show. She tells you her price, you don’t bother to listen to whatever she says. You are just happy to find your perfect prey for tonight. You open the lock of the passenger seat’s door, allow her to sit, and move towards your destination. The place is a witness to your sins.
The drive was not long. You were silent the whole time. The girl did not bother at all. She was staring at you. Your expensive car and a well-tailored suit are all she cares about. You stop the car in front of a house surrounded by factories. It is a deserted place at night. It's dark and the place is only one street light far away from the house. You parked your car near a wall of a factory. You opened the door and nearly jumped out of the car, excited from the thoughts of the night. But you calm your nerves and compose yourself back before she sees any change in you. You walk towards the house with her following you. “Do not want to tell anyone about your little secret, huh?” she said and chuckled. You smirked but didn’t notice. You say nothing and open the door of the house. You allow her to go inside first. She enters the house and walked freely all over the space. You enter after her and lock the door. Everything is perfect and goes as planned. Now you can have what you want, what you crave all the week, what you need to calm yourself, and what you love to do to satisfy your hunger.
The room has only one large table and two wooden chairs. She observes the room and looks at you with questions in her eyes. You sigh and point a finger to the other door on the right side of the room. She follows your finger and sees the other door. She moves, opens the door, and enters. This room has a large bed near the closed window, a cupboard, a small table near the bed with lots of drawers and a chair.
“Well, that is a nice place to enjoy a fun night,” she says and sits on the bed. You stand near the door and stare at her. Not her eyes, her body, fair, lean, without any mark, attractive. Your eyes are tracing her face. She notices your eyes on her body and changes her position to lure you towards her. You do not move from your position. You notice her eyes on you. She rolled her tongue on her lips to make them more welcoming. “You are that shy or….” She says and back on her feet starts to reduce the distance between you and her “Having a problem deciding what you want to do with this gorgeous body.” She puts one hand on your arm and the other on your shirt, fiddling with the upper button. She shifts her hand from your arm to your shoulder and leans toward you. Her lips are close to your ear “hmmm… if you have any fantasies. Tell me now. Or should I tell you mine?” she moves her lips to yours, hovering but not daring to touch “God you are so quiet.” She chuckles and takes a step back.
She runs her hand towards your pants but you move and stop her. She sees you, moving her eyebrows, a smirk on her face. You do not like that. She chuckles again. Your grip on her hand tightens. She hissed with pain and try to get rid of your hold. You take the cue and leave her hand. Her expressions change again. Pain takes over the lust. “So… You want to play rough? You all men are the same. Always try to be the powerful beast to satisfy your manhood.” She walks towards the bed and sits again with a full grin on her face. “Who am I to stop you?” She grinned at you. This is the last thread of your patience. This girl needs to know her place. She needs to know who you are. She needs to know your plan for her, for her body. You move and stand against her. “You want to know my plan?” you said without any expression. Your eyes are blank. You stare directly into her eyes. Full of lust and hunger. The anger in you increases with the look on her face. This is enough. You cannot hold yourself any longer. You need to open the channel and release it before it combusts you.
You grip her neck gently and stroke with your thumb. She closes her eyes and feels your hands on her body. You tighten your grip over her, gradually forcing her to open her eyes. She whimpers, the pressure is more than she expected. You lean towards her. ‘You want to know my fantasies? “ You say in a low husky voice. She nods and says nothing. Her smirk wipes out in your tight grip. “I have many plans for you. First I want you to submit yourself to me with all will and present yourself to me without any question. Will you do that?” you said and lose your grip and stroked your thumb again where it rests. She says nothing. Just node and swallow an invisible lump in her throat. You feel the movement and smile inside. Satisfy with your effect on this girl. God, you are dying to start your fun. But you need words. You need consent. You need her submission. Her permission to use her for your pleasure. “I need words. Clear and loud” You said in a commanding voice. “Yes” is the only word she manages to say. “Yes, what? “ “I will submit myself to you. Completely” "and" "and you can use me as you want. God please do whatever you want" she nearly screams as your grip tightens around her neck. Good, that will be fun. And only one will go to enjoy it.
You walked away from her. You take off your suit and fold it nicely and put it on the table, followed by your tie. You sit on the chair and take a long breath. “When will you want to start?” The girl asks. This time her voice is low without any smugness. You smirk. Too eager to be punished. You see at her and gestured for her to come to you. She obliges instantly and stands near you. “Strip” you command her. She does what you say, shreds every article of cloth she has on her body showing every part of her to you. She is giving you herself with her will. You have permission.
You stand up from the chair and grip her hair tightly, forcing her to move her head back with a painful whine. You are smiling at her expression. Yes, this is what you deserve. And I will give you that whole night. You push her towards the chair and force her to sit. She sees you with fear and curiosity. Ready for your move. You stroke your hand on her cheek “I will make sure you feel everything you deserve.” You put your hand to her chin and lift her face “I want you to scream, cry and beg to me all night. Will you do that?” “Yes,” she said in a husky voice, desperate for your touch. Your face has no expression, there is silence in the room and suddenly, you slapped her. Hard. She falls to the ground with a chair, hissed in pain. You watch her with anger in your eyes. There is only anger, rising in you, ready to consume all your senses. She snaps a look at you, confused, a little angry, or surprised. You watch her, observe her face changing expressions. She tries to stand but stops when you walk a step toward her.
You rolled your sleeves to your elbows and lean toward her. She is motionless, clearly not aroused now, scared. But she dares to say again "that was hard….I didn't expect you…" "Shhhh…." You put a finger on her lips. "It. Was. Warm. Up" you said slowly in a whisper loud enough for her. "Now…I will enjoy your body the way I want. And you will obey" she moves in panics, wanting to increase the distance between but you stop her. You put a gentle hand on her shoulder, chuckled, and grabbed her hair from your other hand and pull them hard. She cries in pain. Your eyes meet with her. They filled with water. Pleading silently. Her mouth is half-open. Her lower lip is shivering in pain and fear. Her body stiffens as you increase your hold on her. You are pleased, feeling a little satisfied by your effect on her. A grin appears on your lips. It is good. It feels good. This girl is going to be your toy for the night. You will play with her, break her, and destroy her. Just like your other toys. This is satisfying.
You stand and go to the drawer of the small table and open the right-side middle drawer. A smile on your lips. You find something interesting. You inspect it and turn to show her what you decide to play. She gasps. Not expecting this for the night. It is a customized flog. Handle made of leather for better grip. Has 15 tails and each tail has a prominent steel wire attached to it. You walk where she sits on the floor. Unable to move. Her eyes are on you. "Please… no…no," she said. But you don't listen. You sit with one knee on the floor and the other on her thigh. She winced. "What… you don't want to play huh?" You said in a very calm voice. There is a hint of excitement and pleasure in your tone. She whimpers again "please… let me go…I can’t…" "But you said you will please me. Didn't you?" You press hard on her thigh. Her body reacts. She shivers in pain. Tears come down. She is about to cry hard with pain but stops herself by biting her lower lip. You touch her with flogging. The coolness of steel gives a thunder strike on her body. "Please...not this…" "But you gave me permission. I can do whatever I want. And I want to flog you."
She said nothing. Trying hard not to convert into a whimpering mess. "You present yourself to me for my pleasure, right?" You said without any expression. You stand, towering over her, brushing flog to her cheeks. "And now I will take the pleasure." You beat her with that flog. Hard, fast, every part of her naked body. She cries, screams, and begs you to stop. But you don't. Your mind is clouded with anger. Sanity leaves your body. There is only madness in you. You are uncontrollable. You are trying to mimic your mental and emotional pain to her physically. She screams louder and louder with every attack. You attack hard and hard with every sound escaping from her mouth. It is music for your ear. The sound of pleasure she promised to give you.
You stop after uncountable strikes on her body. You breathe heavily, try to control yourself, and compose yourself again. You see her. Lying on the floor. Half unconscious. Sobbing, groaning in pain. Try to catch her breath. Her body is covered with long and deep red marks. There is blood too. A thin layer of blood on her arm, and some tiny drops on her back and hips. Her body is shivering in pain. There is no sound only trembling in her every small movement. You grabbed the chair and have a seat, feeling exhausted and aroused. You close your eyes and sighed, listening to the pleasurable sounds of her pain. Her misery is your contentment. You open your eyes and groaned in anger. She is moving, towards the door, trying to escape from your heaven. Fighting against her agony to stand on her feet. You do nothing. You watch her fight, her struggle with her body. Her desperation to save herself from what you going to give her next. The door is locked. You knew that. You let her continue her already failed attempt to open the door and busy yourself again with the table drawers. This time you open the left upper drawer and found a perfect prop for your next performance. You place it on the table and close the drawer.
You reach her, still trying to open the door. She sees you and startles. You lean against the wall near the door. You are smiling. Your eyes have a sight of calmness. Your body is relaxed. You move your hand to her face and try to wipe the tear on her left cheek. She jerked and stop your hand by pushing it away from her. Her face has anger. You see her in awe. Her anger is nothing in front of the monster you are. You try again to touch her cheek, she pushes your hand away again. This time with more force. She pounds the door again. You grab her hand and stop her. She tries to attack your face with her other hand. But you are faster than she expects. She tries to escape from your strong and painful hold. She is fighting for her life. She wants to run from here, away from you. But she cannot. She is irritating you. Doing something you never like. Power show off from your toy.
You thrash her on the floor and kick her stomach. Her painful scream is echoing in the room. You grab her hair and yank her to the bed. She is whipping, pleading, trying to ease her pain by moving here and there. "You want to continue on the bed," you ask in a low husky voice. "We can do it on the floor too. Wherever you feel comfortable". She looks at you. Her face looks beautiful like that. "Stop…please" she sobs. "Hmmm… so the floor is final. Good decision. I don't want to ruin the sheets too. They are more expensive than your stupid life." You grab the tool from the table and sit on the ground. Her tantrums are stopped now. She is lying there silently. Watching your face lit up when you see her while holding her new torture firmly. You see her and smile genuinely.
You drag the pointed sharp knife on her neck to her chest slowly. She panics, trying to say something but words are not coming out of her mouth. "When I saw you, standing on the road. Choosing your target to fill your endless hunger for lust and filthy desires. Ready to make anyone's bed warm and dirty for some bucks. I knew, that you are the one." You said calmly with a hint of disgust in your voice. "You know what decent people call women like you. Huh?" You drag the knife on her right forearm. "Hey…I am asking you…" you press the tip of the knife on her skin. "Tell me what they called you." You asked angrily. "I….they…...." "TELL ME" "Slut" she said in a very low voice" "LOUD" "SLUT. They called me slut and many names." Her voice is trembling. She is scared. "hmm…right" You cut her right forearm slowly. She screams, her body shaking with pain. She wants to stop you. She fights for her escape from her pain, from your restrain, from you. "Please stop…no…please" she pleads. This time, her right shoulder and her stomach to hip, last on her right thigh. She screams in pain. Again and again. Encouraging you to continue.
You stop and see at her. You stroke your hand gently on her cheek and grin. "You are so good to me… so good." You lean and whisper in her ear. "And I am going to appreciate this body the whole night. I am going to give you what a woman like you deserves. I will show you how a slut like you should be treated" You grab her left foot and chain her with the bed. You start torturing her with the knife. Random deep cuts at random places. You want to torment her, not just her body but her soul too. You stab her without any mercy, you get comfort in her agony. You stop to watch your beautiful red-colored strokes on her body. You painted her every part. You feel delighted with your art.
Her body has many cuts. Blood is oozing out from everywhere with every breath she is taking. You are sitting on the floor near her, watching her tortured body, struggling to keep alive, fighting to take air in her lungs to provide you more time to play. You throw the knife away and take a deep breath and sigh. You watch her for a long time. Her whole body is on display with beautiful blood flowing wounds you gave. She is alive. She is breathing. Slowly. Deep. Painful. She is groaning in pain, crying but not moving. Her body is still. No movement. You grab her face and force her to look at you. Her face has no expression. She is half awake. You stroke your hand on her breast which was red with streams of blood. Then you stroked her left cheek, just below the knife cut. You grin in appreciation. Your face has an expression of pride and satisfaction. “You gave me such a good time. I am impressed. Really…” you stand and walk to the chair again.
You sit there and ogle her. “Well… because I am happy now and don’t have much time. I am going to give you choice. I will give you a cut on your wrist and blood with flow from your body slowly for about 20 minutes before you die. Or I can make a cut on your throat and it can be finished in 5 minutes.” You straighten your back and smile widely. Wildly. “Personally, I like the first choice but the latter one is also good.” You are talking in an appreciatively joyful tone. “What do you think?”
Her eyes are wide. She gasps. She did not think her romantic night could turn into this. Her last night. She is not ready for any option. But, does she really has any choice? You are the one who is deciding everything here. You open the drawer again and pull out another knife. Bigger than the first one. You inspect the knife very gently. You smirk and chuckle while looking at her. “This is perfect.” You walked towards her motionless body. There are some muffled voices coming from her. Becoming louder as the distance between you and her decreases. You sit near her head. And smile at her. “I want to enjoy a cigarette. So I think…. We should choose the first option.” She panics. She tries to move her body but cannot. Every little movement in the body starts to create a new fresh bloodstream in her body. Pain is engulfing her with every second pass in the room and you are taking joy in this.
You hold her right wrist. There is no restrain. Her body has no energy to show any. Only muffled cries, whimpers, trying to ask you to stop. But you do not want to stop. This is the light strike. You make a clean, deep, long, sharp cut on her wrist. She whimpered, crying hard in pain. Her body is shaking now. Short trembles are everywhere. Her body is struggling to stop what you just started. Blood is flowing in a constant stream. Making a big pool around her. You sit on the chair and watch her struggle. Watch your pain goes out from your body. You feel relaxed. You feel lightweight. Your anger is fading away and replaced with calmness and stillness in your mind. Your heart is feeling less wrenched and freer. You lit a cigarette and take a big drag. The smoke takes away all the worries and tiredness of the week.
You look at her. Her wide-open eyes are staring at you. Her body is shaking. Life is going away from her slowly. There is so much work left to do before going home. You close your eyes and take another drag. When you open your eyes. She is dead. Her open eyes, mouth, expression of fear and helplessness on her face. Her body is still. Blood is still oozing out from some wounds. She is dead.
You stand up and stretch your body. Ready to clean all the mess and prepare the room for your next toy. You have to do it now. You go close to the body and unchained her. You check her breath for any sign. There was none. You smile and walk towards the cupboard and take out a machete. You cut her body into small pieces and stuff her and her belongings in black garbage bags. The factory on the right side of the house you are in has a dumpster area. They take out the previous day's garbage every morning to the dumpster ground. You throw your bags in the factory garbage and cover them. This factory garbage goes direct to the furnace at the dumpster ground. You know this place and everything about this place very well. You clean the room and place things where they belong. You lock the house and drive away from your dark secret.
You reach your home at the exact time you always be on a Friday night. Friday nights are your overtime nights. So you are allowed to come home late. You open the door of your house with your keys and enter. “Honey. Where are you?” You called your wife. Happily.
“Here. In the kitchen” She answered. “On time. Dinner is ready” She said with a smile.
You grab her from behind and kiss her on the neck. She leans in your warmth. You turn her around and kiss her on the lips. Slowly. Passionately. She moans in the kiss. Her hands snake around your neck. Your one hand is in her hair and the other on her back. She breaks the kiss and looks into your eyes with love. She smiles and kisses your cheeks before taking a step back.
“Daddyyyy…..” Your daughter runs towards you. You take her in your arms and hug her tightly. “My princess. Daddy misses you so much.” You kiss her forehead “you want daddy to give you a quick bath before dinner.” She was playing with colors and clay. You can tell by looking at her hands and dress. “No…I don’t like baths.” “Ok… then a quick water splash on you. I don’t want dirt in my princess’s stomach” you say while tickling her stomach. She giggles and tries to stop you.
“Hey… Collect your toys first.” Your wife commands her in her lovely voice. Your daughter gives her a pout and goes back to clean her mess. You laughed at her little angry steps. “Hey…” You turn towards your wife and grab her from her hips again. “I have something for you” You take out a little jewelry box from your jacket and present it in front of her. She takes the box and opens it. It is a platinum heart-shaped pendant in a gold chain. It is beautiful. She gasps and looks at you with love and adore. “It is beautiful.” “It will look beautiful when you wear it.” You give her a peck on her lips. “Happy first meeting day babe.” She chuckles. “You remember the day” “Of course. This is the day when you came into my life. How can I forget that day? The most beautiful and precious day of my life.” She laughs. For you, her laugh is the most beautiful sound in the universe. “You are more cheesy than I expect,” She says and kisses you.
For her, you are the perfect husband who loves his family. For your daughter, you are the father who loves and cares and plays whenever she asks. No one in your family knows about your secret. About your Friday night overtime. “I am not cheesy. I am a serious man with values. And you love me.” “I do. But you are cheesy.” She laughs again and you are overwhelmed. You can hear her laugh all the time and never get tired. “Go and take a quick bath. I arrange the table. Clean your little monster too.” “Sure honey.” You go to find your daughter for her bath while your wife finishes her cooking.

© savii