

What shall one believe
Write a story based on this famous excerpt from Angels & Demons by Dan Brown:

Science tells me God must exist. My mind tells me I will never understand God. And my heart tells me I am not meant to.
Many questions as to who God really is,and some say to find out,you must believe.This existence of everything,I wonder how and when it beggan.
Time,I know,is a guide made by humans,But perhaps there might be an even better guide to everything and that guide is called God.We as humans,know
how to think,But it's been a mystery since any civilization from long ago,and will remain a mystery as to who God is.Many things to be believed point out
the fact that God exists.Such as bibble,writen by people long ago,is still world widely porpular and has over 7 billions that believe.Science on one hand,has
theories of how we and the world began.Apes and many mythical creatures,of which men nor scientist has ever seen and this scientists prove and support their statements with fossils they've dug.While in the bibble,the world began with Adam and Eve.Clearly,they talk of birth and know it well as if they were witnesses of how the world began,scientists do not believe that there is a creator who created man.What shall one truely believe.

By Lite2Read

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