

The space journey.
The space, atmosphere surrounding the earth upto a distance of 1600kms beyond this is the limitless space. It is an extension of the sky. The Solar system is part of their space "Armstrong spoke the famous word, One small step for man,a Giant leap for mankind.
Experience In Space
In space, eating and drinking should be done with utmost care. Once when Sunitha Williams started taking almonds, all slipped away from her hand and began to float in the space craft. She had to swim inside to pick them up one by one.
She narrates interesting experience, of how she tried to mix sauce in her food. As she opened the packet, the sauce came out with force and floated here and there. She tried to catch it and failed. Then she found the lid and closed the packet with great difficulty.
Second Time in 2000 because hardwork. Then, she said that, looking at the Earth would be like looking...AT THE SKY FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS..