

Don't blame
Why do we often look for someone to blame when there is a problem? Tell us in story writing what you think about it.

Why do we often look for someome blame when there is a problem? Instead of criticizing every details of a problem, why don't we think a best resolution and do it with action. Blaming people can't help to resolve too much conflicts but still can create more chaos. Every changes we ever wanted or hoped for was starting by ourselves first not from others.
Let's start to listen each other's point of views, analyze it with respect. Let's understand their wants and needs, value it like we value ourselves. Let's empathize their emotions and thoughts, give them opportunity to express themselves without a judgement. These are one must do instead of keep blaming to them every problems we encountered. The problems not just coming from them but ours too often.
Can we change this kind of mindset and reset something new that can turns everything possible? Can we lower our pride and let's consider humility? Can we lower our standards but in helpful way that would not criticize everything we observe? Let's accept imperfection but can turn into perfection still. Can we learn not to be much selfish and cold, wake your heart with care and love? So, kindly do this that never been a war, poverty, abuse or anything. Let's bear compassion in our hearts and soul and good sense to people in our mind.
© ScarletHeart995