

The Myriad Dream Ch 2 part 2

"Where are we bastards" I say sparking up the chains testing them with lightning"no, thank you no, your welcome" he says sarcastically closing his book with a thud. "Look around and agree by the will of all gods that we attest today to be in alive with resilience under the blade" he bellows with pride opening up his arms while standing. "Fuck you, stop playing with me" i yell trying to look around in the dimly lit room seeing the dust bounce off the sun rays near the crack in the wall. Seeing him change to an expressionless manner having one side of his face only revealed in the sunlight only made me more worried of what he was planning to do. He then slowly nears me revealing a deep wound that fractured his jaw in a horrific manner. "Fine then" he says laughing as he starts drinking what looked to be the remaining flask of his wine. Then to crouch to level with my eyesight "I have to admit your heroism is a sight to behold just like the trouble you almost caused us" he continues. "So id like to say you've helped quite enough with your hell bent fury and calm you down to a rational level". "Your serious" I say sighing with relief, "more serious than you bursting with lightning trying to escape" he replies. "Kneeing me wasn't necessary" i say "yeah and it would have been worse for the both of us if i didn't" he says.
He turns around and stands up with satchel in tow with his black armor glistening "I lost someone before and I don't intend to make that mistake again, so apologize in advance...for what's to come". He opens his book again "here's the key boy, unchain the queen of umbra while she's tame". The boy hiding in the corner of the darkness catches the key as Cyrus slowly tosses at him. With a glance Cyrus walks away, "here" the little boy walks towards me with his cloak covering his tiny body. Feeling my wrists break free, I lift myself off the floor "cyrus..." I ponder, looking at zafins spear against the wall. I pick up my items and cloak off the floor, only to pick up his weapon after with sparks resonating to the touch. "Thank you" I say looking back at the kid, he bows then walks off to follow where Cyrus would have gone. Readying myself I walked to the crack in the wall only to find out they weren't walls but bone marrow. "Where aren't we?" I think as I brush my hands against the fractured wall. I walk out the passage from the room and find Cyrus and the kid waiting there silently. "Let's hurry zeheala, chaining you has already wasted valuable time" he says facing me, "I wonder who decided to chain me" I retort.

"Someone that was concerned about your own safety" he says in a calm voice picking up the kid and hoisting him on the back. "I would have rather died with zafin knowing i did everything i could" i yell at him, feeling my tears creep back up. With a faint expression of pain on Cyrus's face he then turns around and heads forward. "Look over here while you're at it,'' he says, gesturing to me to follow him, we pass slowly through another cracked bone wall. In a heartbeat I see the enormous network of flesh weaving together as far as I can see. With glimmers of sunlight that shine on my face, I can't help but awe at the sight knowing we've made it here.
"Copper...ugh" I think as I smell the blood clogging my nose and realize even the floor is soaked in blood as it drips off my boots.
Taking one step forward only makes me cautious in an instant, demons flicker quickly around like bugs blocking the only sunlight above us covering each other with their tree-like body's. The darkness overtakes in an instant like an eclipse as yellow sinister eyes dart all around us while they move with the most slender of movement. "Can we please go back.." the kid whispers in fear on my left, barely being able to make out his silhouette. One by one white flowers emerge with a faint blue illumination overtaking are every foot step that we make on the ground as we walk past. "I've never seen these species cultivated in such a massive group.....why"? Cyrus whispers "all knowing Cyrus the scholar doesn't know....". I group up with him grabbing his cloak not trying to show my creeping fear of the darkness.

"Ch....ch....ch" i hear above me "we got to move faster" i think getting paranoid by their non existential eyes peering through the back of my skull. I tug on Cyrus hard trying to get him to move faster across in a safe place knowing that the white flowers fucked are positioned. "Cyrus stand still" I whisper to him, feeling the dreaded silence and faint cold wind blow my hair back. "Where not getting anywhere in this darkness" I think "don't think about it" Cyrus whispers. Sensing my hesitation "trust me or your never going to find yourself in a better place after this" i whisper back. "I've never tried this before so be careful and protect me" I whisper , opening a book and reading a book in my satchel while the bright dancing flowers brighten before me. I sit crouched on the ground finding the passage I was looking for, I then close my eyes trying to clear my senses. "Infinite darkness" I try to imagine in my mind while igniting my hands with small sparks. "No path to follow or find" I repeat to myself trying to meditate having my eyes closed relaxing my nerves. I slowly feel myself slipping into a trance seeing white dots forming in my mind not knowing what they could be.
"Cyrus I can see them faintly '' I whisper "while very faintly we can maneuver around them. If we go north slowly we might be able to avoid them. '' I whisper while getting up. Me and Cyrus slowly move north carefully forward making it through the darkness to another small cavern by a bloody stream of blood flowing ever slowly near it. Bones of dead demons reek the air as they enter while Cyrus settles the kid on the ground. "Never knew you were capable through potential blindness". "You say that like it's a good thing '' I chuckle trying not to touch where my left ear should have been. Cyrus smiles faintly looking at us both like he was reminiscing of his past. I then see Cyrus smiling faintly like a candle in the darkness looking at us both like he was reminiscing about something unknown to me. "Zeheala.....can you carry the responsibility of a future world filled in a glimmer of new hope to change all of us". He surprised me with the question "lord xenu, lord solocav, and lord kirin with madam sedna behind the king....". I can only imagine knowing I would have to face them like a reflection. "Yeah....'' I say faintly, feeling the bittersweet reunion with my mother behind all of them. He then holds my shoulder "i hope you prevail..." he says looking out of the cave.
I nod silently "by all means let's move on wee one" i smile turning around picking the kid up on my back as we venture out of the cave. We walk forward searching for the rune forward past the demons infestation and flower mounds. Slowly one by one the flowers dwindled nearing a clearance where the silence made the air unnerving as we walked past. "Help me" I hear faintly, looking to my left I see a man wearing a black ripped cloak standing ever proudly in front of a dead body of a half demon. "Sworn.... and damned" he says, inspecting us after taking his sword out of the body and slashing the blood off. "By all means stare and gaze upon the defilement of this wretched man thinking he was one of us" he says. I watch him carefully as his eyes sunken in black and a face pale as the moon glares me defensively. "A half demon"? I question myself for never seeing one and pleading for help at that. "You must be a saint then" I say sarcastically "saint or thy sinner, what are you doing here by all means"? Cyrus questions him. "To feel the light of god shining here" he says after crushing the skull of the dead body.

"Be gone. I have other things to tend to if not the scourge than you against my blade if you wont leave me be '' he says sheathing his blade and covering his face with a hood. Noting that me and Cyrus were in agreement not moving forward with any intent to stop him, "at least a name would suffice for the curtsey renounced if we meet again" i say. "Does it matter...either of us will die eventually..." he says in a dull tone only to stop "prayer will keep you going as it did for me" he says, walking away with a sword in tow. "Umbra''? I wonder about his origin as me and Cyrus walk away forward under an arch of bloody flesh dangling from demon skeletons. "You ever wonder how the demigod fell from grace" I tell Cyrus, wanting to pass the time.

"Hmm...most likely kalos was denounced by the other gods, if history never swayed in his favor only remembering his name" Cyrus says.
We move past a crevasse with endless darkness below. "Hey do you feel that"? I tell him as the ground shakes ever so slightly, looking behind us seeing the crevasse we passed earlier. Feeling my heart beat race i see a huge red millipede bursts from the ground and hurriedly heading towards what would be the ceiling. A thunderous crash of flesh from the top starts to break apart from the impact as the millipede with its many legs burrows further through the gap. In the commotion I hear the chirps and screeches of demons seemingly woken up from their slumber rattled by the crash likely to head their way any moment now. "Shhh" is all heard when I feel Cyrus putting his hand over my mouth to silence me. He pulls me behind the bloody pillar and I let him know that I'm on the same page with him with a tap on his wrist. Feeling the little light on the right side of my face, I peek to see two black humanoid monstrosities. Split near the middle with a bloody chunk in the middle and up their head. They waltz slowly around clicking with every step, as thumps of faint sounds the millipede disappears off in the distance.

Thinking of ways to deal with them silently, I started casting a bright ball of light near them to see if it would get their attention. In an instant they screech in pain as if it would burn them flipping around on the floor mangling in every direction. Cyrus then tugs my shoulder suggesting to move forward away from the red flesh pillar. "The more I look at them, the more I want to unsee them" I think as he pulls me away "damn parasites" I hear him mutter. We slowly walk away with more caution of any sound feeling they weren't the only ones to head near us. Walking forward for a bit feeling uneasy of the silence of what could be lurking around us after those encounters I slowly saw what would be a wall of sorts. "What the.." i think as my vision forms a huge black stone wall as high as the light cast on it looms in the darkness. Feeling a sense of wonder I lay my hand on the stone cold wall as a rush of whispers bekon around me non stop growing louder with every second.

© 6SGen

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