

Tanisha hated Mondays. And who doesn’t? Fresh out of the weekend, still hung over from the bars and the freedom and the hot sex from strangers she would never see again.

She grumbled into her coffee as she took a sip, falling tiredly into her chair while turning on her computer. Her Boss would soon arrive and she needed to get his schedule nailed down so he wouldn’t talk her ear off.
Her phone pinged on the table and a quick look revealed it was one of the guys she met at the bar last night. They had exchanged numbers and other things in the bar’s bathroom.

Tanisha sighed, silenced her phone and continued her work. She never went back for seconds with any man. It icked her to no end when they developed feelings she didn’t need. But there was one man she would go back for seconds, thirds and even fourths if she was given a chance.

The elevator dinged open in front of her desk and her boss sauntered out, the spicy scent of his cologne crowding the space, turning her senses to mush. Tanisha sighed quietly as she stared at him walk past her and enter his office without another glance.
That man.
His pull was magnetic.
If only he would see her as anything more than just his assistant... but sadly those were fantasies.

Getting up, she left her desk to his office door. It was time to brief him on his daily meetings. When she knocked however, no reply came. Tanisha frowned and pushed open the door hoping her boss wasn’t suffering a heart attack or something.
She found his office empty but a soft noise came from behind a door leading to an inner room he sometimes slept in.

Hesitantly, Tanisha walked to the door. It was opened a crack and she let herself peep through, turning rigid at what she saw. Her Boss had his slacks pulled down, his big member throbbing in his palm as he stroked it. All his attention was on something playing on his laptop.

Tanisha forgot how to breathe. The sight sent shivers down her spine and warmth spreading in-between her legs. It was wrong to watch him like this but she couldn’t look away. He was the sexiest man she had ever seen and he still managed it even with his mind snagged by the moans coming from his laptop.

Tanisha had never seen him do this before and frankly wasn’t so curious as to why. He needed to satisfy his needs and she needed to satisfy hers. Her hands quietly slipped through the band of her skirt, slipping past the thin fabric of her panties to the wetness.
She let out a whimper that echoed in the enclosed space, louder than she wanted. Her boss immediately whipped his head to the door and caught sight of her hands deep inside her skirt.

Tanisha froze.
Her heart pounding in her ears. A thousand excuses ran through her mind, shame burned in her chest so palpable she could taste it.

Her hand instantly left her skirt. “I’m s-so so-sorry, Sir,” she stammered out.
Her boss stared at her with an unreasonable expression. Very slowly he paused the video on his laptop.
“Do you like to watch me?” He asked hoarsely.

No words formed in Tanisha’s mouth. She had been caught. He was likely going to fire her. Maybe even blacklist her or have her arrested!

“Be a good girl and come here,” Her boss growled making her brain suffer a short circuit.
What did he mean?
Could it be—
Tanisha stumbled into the room in a daze, fixated on his member he had started stroking once more.

“You’ve been a bad girl, Tanisha, watching me.” His husky voice was lulling her into a trancelike state where consequences and fears flew out the window.

“Do you want this?” He gestured to his member twitching with anticipation.

Tanisha found herself nodding and her knees buckling.
“Come and take it then,” he purred.

On her knees Tanisha crawled to her boss, gripped his thighs and opened her mouth. Her Boss growled, fisted her hair and pushed her mouth down, jolting Tanisha awake.
She had fallen asleep at her desk.

© 0506girly