

Who Was I In My Past Life?
Actually, this is something I've been wondering about since...forever. The concept of a past you existing somewhere else, centuries or years ago, and how it connects to a present you has always been fascinating.

As for who I was in my past life, well...I have no idea whatsoever! I could've been many different things- a healer, a traveler, a mercenary, a witch (actually, that would've been so cool if not for the whole "burn the witch!" hype! Though, I like anything supernatural related, legends of mythical creatures and places that are rumored to be haunted or at least have some kind of energy to them...okay, I'm rambling now, sorry!). Anyway, I could've been anything mentioned before or something else entirely.

There's one thing I'm sure of- I was me. Just as I'm me of now, in this time and day, I was me of that other time, whenever that was. There's no way to confirm it nor deny it. Also, whoever I was, I hope I did good deeds and minimum amount of those bad ones.

© Emee