

You remind me of a giraffe.
"You remind me of a giraffe" she would say to him but When he asked why she would never respond Now as he looks down on her from above he understands Shes always looked up to him. the guilt swarms him knowing what he had done knowing the devastation he has caused "She looked up to me.. and i- I left just like that without a second thought" She finished writing the note which read "Hey, I know your reading this and I just wanted to let you guys know im sorry I'm sorry for everything but I love you so much and I'll see you on the other side - ****"she subtly picked up the knife and slowly held it up to her neck "I told you you remind me of a giraffe. I've always looked up to you **** I've always followed in your foot steps , Well I guess its my time" Her screams sent shivers down her neighbours back as they walk into the apartment "im finally able to see him again " she smiles as her sense of life slowly fades away