


Trisha was hugging the man's waist while he was holding her with another shot glass. They are in a night club. And I think they're close, but I can't stop thinking something bad. What if they do something before or after they get that photo? I still can't believe it, He never mentioned to me that he was going to the club. I didn't ask him about his walks either, but at the club? With a guy? Fuck it. I stalk that guy and I found something, he's with Trisha for so many times. They have many pictures together and even holding hands. They look so sweet, and lovely. Fuck this... I feel like my heart Shattered into pieces, even though it hasn't been confirmed what's wrong with the two of them. But it's really different, the way they hold their hands and smile towards each other. But I'm still hoping that I was wrong. I trusted her, so I am going to wait until she's willing to tell me. I can't count how many questions are stocked in my brain. My head hurt a bit thinking about the picture, so I decided to turn off my phone and get some rest.

I woke up in the evening, and thankfully, I am now fully recovered. I went down to have dinner, and just in time, when I got to the kitchen, I caught Brother Elvin preparing. Just the two of us and my brother, as usual.
I'm just eating quietly, my brother doesn't bother me anymore because I just came back.
After eating, I went back to my room to sleep because it's Saturday and there's no class.
Before I lay down in bed, I checked my phone to see if there was a text. But not even one, Trisha hasn't texted since the last time something happened to us.
I just put my phone on the side and laid on the bed. But I can't sleep. I was bothered by the picture I saw, and I still can't get in touch with her.
I took my phone again and tried to dial her number, but the line was busy. I texted her but got no reply.
My gut feeling got a little stronger that they were in a relationship with the guy I saw in the picture. Fuck, just thinking about it hurts so much. I texted her again and again.
To: Babe
Babe, where are you now?
No reply...
To: Babe
Babe, are you busy? Can we meet each other?
To: Babe
Babe, please reply... I miss you already.
I texted her a lot, but there's no reply at all.
I turned off my phone and put it on the edge of my bed. I closed my eyes, and it didn't take long before sleepiness visited me.
I had a sound sleep. It's just like freedom, there's no problem that pops up in the mind. That's why I prefer sleeping than hanging out if I have a lot on my mind.
Ain’t do nothing but eat and sleep. The weekend ended, but Trisha still didn't get in touch with me. I also asked our bandmates, but Trisha didn't mention any problems with them.

© Jovan_love