

The Trip (2- More Trouble)
Cindy: (looks at malcom) you see what i told you?

Malcom:(turns to look at her) what?...what...what are you talking
about? this wouldn’t have happened if you let me talk to mark...none of this would have happened

Cindy: what are you yelling at me for..i'm not the one who hit your car...

Jake:(still shaking from the impact he turns to his wife) honey are you alright?

Lisa:(nods) yeah i'm fine.. (turns to the kids)are you guys alright?

Lucy:(nods) yeah mum...

Jake: I think i'm going to have a word with this insane driver

(both men got out of their cars,inspected the cars then walked up to
each other)

Malcom: what the hell is wrong with you man? why on earth did you crash
my baby?

Jake:(shocked)oh..oh..oh my goodness..i hit your child? i'm so sorry..do we need to take her to the
hospital?(moves forward but is pushed back by malcom)

Malcom: where the hell are you going to? you crashed into my baby..my
car...were you blind or what?

Jake: i think its quite clear that you were the one who bashed into me..the road was clear and calm before you showed up

Malcom: what's that does suppose to mean? huh white boy?

Jake: now look...i don’t want any trouble with you...ok? why don't you
Accept that you ran into me , pay for the Damages and we can both go our separate ways I’m just like you..you
know I’m your nigga..I’m...

Malcom:(cuts him off)hold up..first off all, you..are nothing like me..i aren’t your nigga and there is no way on earth that i will accept that i crashed into you neither will i pay for your dumb excuse of a car not after what it did to my baby..so pay up white boy
(this goes on for awhile as none wants to take responsibility for the crash)

After an hour later.....

(It had been an hour since the car accident but jake and malcom were still arguing about who was responsible for the

Jake: listen..it has been close to an hour now, why don’t you just admit that you ran into me and pay for the damages

Malcom: (dryly chuckles) hell no...there is no way in hell that I am taking the blame of your stupid and careless driving..listen white boy...i am in a good mood today so why don’t you just bring out your little atm card and pay for this, I’ve even got a POS machine in my car..(faces his car) honey where did we keep that POS machine?
Because whitey over here needs to pay for his wreck less driving

(while he is still talking to his

Jake: oh..I don’t have time for this...(he gets into his car and drives off)

Malcom: (shocked at what is happening in front of him) What! oh hell nah

(gets into his own and starts the engine and chases after jake's car)

Cindy:(a bit uncomfortable) Malcom..what are you doing?

Malcom: (no response)

Cindy: (now terrified ) Malcom stop this..you don’t have
anything to prove

(Malcom just quickly glances at her and focuses on the car
in front of him)


(In the williams car, jake is beginning to go a little fast which worries lisa)

Lisa: Jake...jake please slow down..please you are going to
get us killed

(Jakes pretends not to hear his
wife and continues to go even faster...as this goes on,both of
them went out of the route they
were meant to take but in a bit to prove each other wrong, they
barely noticed.......)

Lisa: uhmm...jake...jake!! WHATCHOUT FOR THAT....

(It was already too late, the Williams fell into a ditch and the Bensons sped past them with Malcolm laughing before speaking)

Malcom: (facing cindy) you see this? this is what I would like to

Cindy: (pointing to the road) MALCOM WATCH OUT!!

Before malcom could turn and look at the road, their car fell into a ditch...
© Dora24