

Remember This Always
No matter how daunting the task ahead of you is, or painful a trial may seem, or a fear born obstacle looks; even if all people (including yourself) and the entirety of all combinations of the many different numerous entities are unified wholly that this tribulation, engulfing all you're entire being, is an absolute annhilation to you, with a 0% chance to move even an inch against...
Even if all of that is where you have placed your belief and faith. Please don't give up! Maybe you can try to re-evaluate what or who you believe you are. Be completely honest with yourself, find and ask yourself any and all of the deepest, darkest, delicate, and simple ( and all in-between as well) questions. Constantly learn any morsel of data about all the people in your life. Embrace change and not fear it. Be random in what you do and compassionate in any horizon you wish to strive for. Do these things, change life up at any time.
Maybe, one day, your experiences will help another. What I'm saying is... all the problems you once thought unbeatable, becomes another simple promise of beauty to come. Your army of support is so large, filled with friends that become family and family that is bonded forever to you. This is especially true if you realize early on that being compassionate to all life is a good guideline to becoming the Warrior not needing one, and becoming a wisened one generously sharing and teaching those that are found desolately broken, stumbling down an all to familiar path, faultering along in your old worn-out shoes. This is one of so many confused, scared, shamed, and screaming out in horrid desperation for anyone to just help them, so as to not drown in his or her own blood and tears, banging on the seemingly unbeatable hopeless challenge being faced by loan individual being slowly put to agonizing death.
To think, you may have been exactly the right saviour or protector to show this person a possible way to a brighter and far more beautiful existence.
Your strength provides the same for others, even when you don't know it.
I end with this simple thought that should mean so much. I love you my amazing friend.
© JNorville85