

I Met A Stranger. Part Eighteen.
I could feel Ryzo's stare from across the room.

"Don't let someone else touch this again", August pointed at my wrist and stifled a laugh."it's sensitive, you should know now"

Was he kidding me?-

"-and he can hear you loud and clear", he tapped my forehead. I surmised."I can't explain everything that's going on, Blue, but you can trust us. Maybe try?"

"Where did he go?"

He shrugged.

"So if I let someone touch this, he'll come?"

He gave me an incredulous look."Why would you-"

"Perhaps", Ryzo spoke from the other end of the room."she should be told about the line"

August sighed.

I waited.

"This thing doesn't just go around your wrist", I looked at my hand."it goes around his too. Mind reading is equivalent to sharing affection between-"

I stopped him and shook my head."No, No."

He rolled his eyes."Look Blue, all I'm trying to say is, Gable meant it when he said he'd get you home. So you're under his protection while you're here. That's all. How he's going about with it, I don't know. Nobody would know. But you can trust him"

Protection from what?

"Willow exists outside your time. Should anything happen to you here, it'll cause a chain reaction back home. It's just precaution"

I don't buy it.

"This line is what can get you in trouble if you're not careful", he sighed and looked at Ryzo."at least you're safe here. But you can't go anywhere without Gable"

"Why not?", I asked."he's not here right now"

August sighed again and stood up to leave."I think Ryzo can help you with your questions."

He finally walked across the room and sat on the floor in front of me."The line drawn by My Lord on you, is for protection. You might not understand the-"

"Protection from what, Ryzo", I sat down with him."what would happen to me?"

"A fish",he was trying."taken out of water dies if not put back in. You are taken out of your time, that line on your wrist is your temporary water"


"I believe My Lord is only trying to help you", he spoke slowly.

"What about reading my mind? August said something about it"

The question seemed to throw him off. "My Lady...I.."

He suddenly disappeared. I looked at the empty space in front of me and around the room.

Where did he go?

"Curious little one", said a familiar voice inside my head.

© rubix_