

Live it..Love it..Leave it..Chapter four
There can be nothing more idiotic than the term ' forever'..nothing lasts forever...not even 'love'...after all love is nothing but infatuation that just lasts little longer..at one point..every one grows out of love...it is just we don't want to accept the fact to ourselves..with all our romantic notions..
when Sasha called Priya, she heard her out.
" Nithish..getting married? this is news to me",she replied in her usual unruffled manner. After some thought she added,
" well...I will talk to his mother"
" Priya..I don't want to compel him in anyway...it is just..I could not undetstand his ideas and I am really worried that there might be some thing wrong with him.."
"I understand",she ended the call.
when Priya again called her after two days, she was really agitated.
" sasha...This is not good news"
" I am prepared for anything"
" yes...he is seriously thinking of marrying her and one more thing...this is really shocking...sanjitha is claiming that they both have been in a reationship for seven years and he has cheated her so long by postponing marriage..well...it has all the twists of a bollywood movie", she commented dryly.
" sanjitha?" she could hardly hear her voice," I never knew anything about this"...how could he do this to her? is he a cheat? why did he do this?what did he gain by this?
The whole thing has been a facade..a facade built to cheat her..but why? can this be true? can Nithish stoop to such levels? can sanjitha could be so vulnerable? is it real? How did she caught herself in this entangle? whom to trust? whom to believe? is this world such a bad place? Her head was reeling..
( to be contd.)

© nandini bose