

My Vampire Lover (Chapter 13: Decided Fate)
Mr Anthony and Mr Kevin
Anthony and Kevin turned towards voice and saw Reki there.
Anthony smirked and said; Thankyou Miss Reki, Where is Liam?
Reki whispered- He hasn't arrived Yet.
My Radar is not able to reach to him. I think he has enter in another world or there where my Radar can't reach and it can be Your place or Racy's Kingdom.
Shhhhhh; Kevin said
He looked around and said; You don't need to talk about these Okay!
Anyways Did you get close to Anyone?
No; Reki said in disappointment
It's Okay; Anthony said before Kevin could say
Kevin looked at Anthony and nods in agreement; Yeah it's okay Anyways You can go to your class now and Keep your eye on...