

The love story of Life and Death

A long time ago, Life and Death used to love each other. Life had a dark complexion and a pretty world where she lived. Death, on the other hand, was the color of light; he looked like the most charming person in existence. He lived in a world of lifeless land, where color was absent. People throughout the worlds loved Life and Death alike. Despite being extreme opposites, they never got a chance to meet each other. They always wondered what the other one must be doing. They cherished their childhood memories of playing together and enjoying their existence without any responsibilities. Since the day their duties were loaded onto their shoulders, they never even had a chance to meet.

They longed to see each other, and their wish was soon to be granted. One day, in one of the worlds, Life visited a hospital to infuse a newborn with her energy. As she finished her task and left the hospital, she saw Death approaching. Witnessing this meeting, they both ran toward each other. After an eternity, they were finally reunited. Death paused to have a long conversation with Life. However, when Death realized he had left his work undone, he took leave and rushed back to the hospital. To his surprise, the person whose life was supposed to end that day was spared another year to live. Disheartened by the potential impact on the balance of nature, Death returned home. He was scolded by the gods for sparing everyone who was meant to die that day. Meanwhile, Life, unaware of this, wrote letters to Death and entrusted them to people who were low on her energy. On the other side, Death read those warm letters from Life. He also wished to write back to her, but he feared that if he entered a new life, his energies would cause them to die.

In the worlds beneath, things were different. People began to love Death because he spared them. They believed that good deeds would earn them his favor. Soon, they even started worshipping Death. Unaware of all this, Death continued his work diligently. But Life felt a growing jealousy. The lack of replies from Death fueled her anger. She became consumed by the flames of resentment and desired revenge.

Life started appearing before everyone, bestowing happiness upon them. She manipulated the masses, convincing them that Death snatched everything she had given. Death spared no one; for him, the mighty and the meek were equal. The notion of good deeds was merely a cover for his inability to take lives efficiently. People fell for Life's cunning. To reinforce their belief, Life devised a sinister plan. She infused a dead person with her energy, but Death sensed it immediately and swiftly ended that life. This act reinforced the idea that Life spoke the truth and Death was indeed a curse.

From that day onward, people lived in constant fear of Death, while Life still enjoys putting people in constant struggles and despair.

© RV Patil
#Life&life #Love&love💞 #journey #blessing #death #Birth&Death