How to prevent floods
Flood are natural disasters, they are a lot of water and that water can drown people that can't swim so you should learn how to swim first if you encounter one . They're 5 types of floods they're flash floods,coastal floods,urban floods,river (or fluvial) floods, and pond (or pluvial flooding).how floods are made flood are made by lots of rain ,ice avalanche, water earthquakes, astrouds or meteorites hitting the sea ,and melting ice. How floods are bad because they are killing crop that are made from farmers they are destroying buildings that people built and people are suffering because of that.How to prevent large floods is to build more drains and grow more trees why growing trees because then all of the water can get sucked by the trees and it's a win win because you get more air,pls help farmers and people by telling them this book to save people lives, fun fact most of the floods happen in japan,fun fact floods are realest to tsunami's,like the book if you like it,if we get 10 likes i will do a book about tsunami's.