

Hopeful or Hopeless |Dream 1
[I'm dumb in here. Enjoy! Follow me @rm92 ]
- 1433 Words -


I remember myself being in my bed, the lights closed and the fan open.
I remember myself holding my mom's phone, looking at the messages in my account.

I looked at it as if it was an illusion,
someone chatted me, asking me if he can visit my place sometime...

I remember myself feeling ecstatic,
over the moon,
in cloud 9.

HE is my crush, I never expected him to reply back, with a long message in that.
I was in pure shock, my body trembling with excitement and nervousness feeling me in.

I stared at the screen for a good 30 seconds and that was when I replied back to him, telling him my address and such.

I was so happy, very happy.
Then I woke up, not yet realizing that it was all just a dream.
I still felt the excitement, looking at the clock 2:46 AM.

Too early... but there's no such time to waste if your crush texted you.
Walking around my room, thinking about the plan to get my mom's phone to check his reply in my message.

It made me tired, just by walking,
Everything felt like a dream, funny.
I then realized that I was feeling drowsy again, so then I slept.

10:11 AM

Waking up, fixing my bed and walking straight to the computer room.
I quickly went to log in and check it.

There was no new messages, I thought... "Maybe he's busy"...

11:00 AM

Then it slapped me in my face,
I should have been more attentive, not to let my emotions control me, but I failed.. again.

How I wish it wasn't a dream...