

Challenge accepted#fun challenge
# Challenge fun
Thanks @Satha
Let's get started.
Name: Alesi Kylie Giorgette
Nickname: JoJo😀😀
If I had three wishes I would wish for Knowledge, long life and a more loving ❤️ heart.

Hobbies; I love listening to music, reading and writing also being well informed about things.

Favourite colour is 🖤&💛😉 black and yellow I love black because it's neutral and absorbs all colours and it's beautiful , Yellow because it's bright.
Favorite emogis are❤️🙏😄👏🙌🤔

My favorite quote is: If you don't enjoy what you have how could you be happier with more, Seek what you have. from @Dimple

My favorite writers are Pikachu girl, Andra , myself, brother Scott and many more # love you all
I would love to support everyone , we rise when we support each other.

I ❤️❤️❤️❤️ the challenge. Thank you my dear Satha. 🙏😄😄 # first challenge