

What Happen To Christ And India Love Relationship? No Time For Games! Christ Crush on India Love?
If India Love knows that Christ might want her more than ever this year we can say that Christ and India Love Relationship is talked about by someone who is jealous... after Christ pushed his relationship proposal with so many women he comes across India Love! Really? we noticed that Christ wants someone special in his life, but if India Love finds out about Christ Baptism topic, how would she feel, after India Love posted about Christ we are still calling Christ and India Love one of a kind! could Welley Holy Christ hold a long relationship with India Love? if they were focus on each other they could have the time to be together, although Welley Holy Christ and India Love are not relationship couples, but if they want to they could plan something! Welley Holy Christ wakes up and thinks about India Love, because she is perfect, how did Welley Holy Christ get that Tattoo on his face, questions unverified to Christ, India Love have the same tattoo on her face, but red, we see that Christ really like India Love and would want to take her on a date...