

Game of Rules
A Chapter from my Book "My Best Friend, Part 1: Attack" which is now available on Amazon.
Do check it out if you like Mystery Novels.

Riya's dinner plate remained untouched as she stared at it, her thoughts consumed by the turmoil within her. The dining hall was bustling with activity, the clinking of cutlery and the murmur of conversations providing a stark contrast to the storm raging in her mind. She couldn't fathom how Colonel Dinesh, the man she had admired and respected for so long, had seemingly betrayed her trust.

Colonel Dinesh had always been her pillar of support, her mentor, and her advocate within the military hierarchy. He had repeatedly praised her dedication and exceptional work, often declaring that she was the most deserving candidate for the next promotion. Riya had believed every word he said, feeling that her hard work and determination were finally paying off.

Yet, tonight's revelation had shattered her faith in him. How could he suggest Kaushal for the promotion, especially when Kaushal had shown nothing but disdain for her? Riya couldn't fathom the reason behind Colonel Dinesh's sudden change of heart. She felt as though the rug had been pulled out from under her, leaving her in a state of utter confusion and betrayal.

As the clatter of dinner continued around her, Riya made a decision. She needed answers, and she needed them urgently. She couldn't let this injustice stand, not when her career and reputation were on the line. With determination in her heart, she decided to seek a private conversation with Colonel Dinesh after dinner.

Riya understood that her impromptu visit might be seen as unconventional, but she also knew that Colonel Dinesh held her in high regard. His admiration for her work might just be the leverage she needed to secure a meeting. Still, doubts nagged at her. Would it be childish to confront him about her feelings? Was she overreacting to a simple suggestion on a promotion list?

As the minutes ticked away, Riya grappled with these questions, her inner turmoil intensifying. She needed guidance, someone to confide in, someone who could provide rational advice or simply lend a sympathetic ear. In a place where camaraderie and trust among comrades were vital, Riya desperately yearned for a confidant.

After what felt like an eternity, Riya's fellow officers began to finish their meals and leave the dining hall. She decided it was time to act. Pushing aside her plate, still untouched, she rose from her seat and left the hall. Her heart raced with a mix of determination and trepidation.

Outside the dining hall, the military base was bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. Riya walked briskly toward Colonel Dinesh's quarters, her mind racing with rehearsed arguments and unanswered questions. She knew that this conversation could have far-reaching consequences for her career, but she couldn't let her doubts fester any longer.

Reaching Colonel Dinesh's door, Riya paused for a moment to steady her nerves. She took a deep breath, raised her hand, and knocked gently. The door swung open, revealing Colonel Dinesh sitting at his desk, engrossed in some paperwork. He looked up, surprise flickering across his face when he saw Riya standing there.

"Major Riya," Colonel Dinesh said, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Is there something you need?"

Riya hesitated for a moment, then stepped into the room. "Sir, I hope I'm not disturbing you, but I needed to talk to you about something important."

Colonel Dinesh motioned for her to sit, concern evident in his eyes. "Of course, Major. Please, have a seat. What's so urgent?"

Riya took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "Sir, I couldn't help but notice that my name was not on the promotion list, and Kaushal's name was suggested instead."

Colonel Dinesh leaned back in his chair, his expression becoming more serious. "I think we shouldn’t discuss this topic here; it’s confidential information. I understand this might be a disappointment, Major, and there are reasons for the decisions, but if you have been already made aware that Kaushal has been promoted, then I would request you to accept it and work together.”

Riya nodded, her frustration evident. "I respect your judgment, Colonel, and I've always valued your mentorship. That's why this decision baffles me. You've always told me that I'm the most capable candidate for the next promotion. Why the sudden change?"

Colonel Dinesh sighed, his gaze shifting to the window. "Major Riya, there are considerations beyond merit that influence these decisions. The promotion process is complex, and there are many factors at play. I can't go into the details, but sometimes we have to make difficult choices."

Riya's frustration grew, and she found it increasingly hard to contain her emotions. "Sir, I can't help but feel that this is unfair. Kaushal and I have had our differences, and I'm not sure I can work under his command. I've given my all to this organization, and I believe I deserve a fair chance."

Colonel Dinesh regarded her with a sombre expression. "I understand your concerns, Major, but we cannot discuss this topic any further. Please go back to your quarters; we have an important day tomorrow. I hope you remember we have an official delegate visit."

Riya felt a mixture of disappointment and frustration welling up inside her. She had hoped for a more definitive answer, something that would put her mind at ease. Instead, Colonel Dinesh's words left her with more questions than before. She lowered her eyes for the first time, feeling like crying hearing Colonel's words, but without showing her turmoil, she left Colonel Dinesh's quarters.

Riya couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to the story. She had to seek answers, as this conversation had only deepened her confusion. The uncertainty gnawed at her, leaving her restless. How could she figure out the truth behind this? It seemed that there were indeed political forces at play within the military hierarchy.

Colonel Dinesh had sounded so formal today that she couldn’t recognize him. Was he the same mentor who had told her to share her concerns irrespective of hierarchies? Today he was so indifferent to her issues.

While Riya couldn’t get past these thoughts, suddenly her doorbell rang. She was not expecting anyone at this hour. She went to open the door, shocked to see someone she had not expected at all!

© Siddharth Sen