

Stalked: Blyth Trip
There is a time line to all the events this event is later.. before I move in to this trailer at 56622 Handley Rd. october of 2020. alot happened before, but one page at a time. The story goes..I was Under my Yucca Tree of surival.. I go over to Heros to get some Ale.. can't smoke week with all the people chasing me...I mean a lot of people... all that effort to chech me smoking pot...Safe to say a Liquid store was at hand..As I'm in the parking lot next to the air pump I met this man.. a tweker..from the outher side... but I've met many..I do Personality on brithday..it's a good ice breaker when meeting people..I'm at about 29,000 now... but I stopped reading..I'll read Numbers for anyone who ask on this puplish site..but I stopped. I don't remember his name.. but once I read you I become you brother.. I know you at least as well as your self.. We talk..he's going to Yuma.. I'm now on my way to Blythe for $40 gas.. lucky break for me.. Now at This time I thought it was the police 🚓🚨.. chasing me around.. and I thought the COP .. old people in Yucca helping the Police.. it's a Crime watch...of some type. So why would all.lll these people be chasing me around..That is a question only a Police Officer can figure. But in the mean time I'm on site reporting my own stalking and possibly pointing to the Killer's. Who every these hobos are all of them put together are...