

Sleeping is a boon in life!
The New World (Natun Prithibi)
নতুন পৃথিবী।

This article throws light on the usefulness of sleeping as required for our healthy life and happiness as well!

The question is what happens if you sleep less than 8 hours?

There are a lot of studies that sleeping less than 8 hours a night is detrimental to our health and immune system of the body. People sleeping less than eight hours a night are three times more likely to become infected by the rhinovirus which is known as a virus making us catch cold.

If you usually sleep less than 7 to 8 hours it will bring difficult emotional experiences and it will make you suffer in understanding the factual problems.

If you sleep below that recommended 7 to 8 hours at night regularly your mortality risk actually starts to increase

Rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep or REMS) is a unique phase of sleep in mammals and birds, characterized by random rapid movement of the eyes, accompanied by low muscle tone throughout the body and the inclination of the sleeper to dream deeply.
EEG An electroencephalogram (EEG) in the mouse shows that REM (Rapid eye movement)sleep being characterized by prominent theta rhythm
The REM phase is also known as paradoxical sleep (PS) and sometimes desynchronized sleep because of physiological similarities to waking states that includes a.Rapid b. Low-voltage desynchronized brain waves. Electrical and chemical activity regulating this phase seems to originate in the brain stem and is characterized most notably by an abundance of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine combined with a nearly complete absence of monoamine neurotransmitters histamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.
REM sleep is physiologically different from the other phases of sleep which are collectively referred to as non-REM sleep i.e NREM sleep and NREMS, synchronized sleep).

Difference between REM and NREM sleep.

REM and non-REM sleep alternate within one sleep cycle which lasts about 90 minutes in adult humans.
As sleep cycles continue they shift towards a higher proportion of REM sleep.

The process of sleep.

The transition to REM sleep brings marked physical changes beginning with electrical bursts called "ponto-geniculo-occipital waves" (PGO waves) originating in the brain stem. Organisms in REM sleep suspend central homeostasis that allows large-scale fluctuations in respiration, thermoregulation and circulation which do not occur in any other modes of sleeping or waking resulting The body making an abrupt loss of muscle tone and this is a state known as REM atonia

In 1953 Professor Nathaniel Kleitman and defined rapid eye movement and linked it to dreams. REM sleep was further described by researchers and the scientists. Many experiments have involved awakening tested people whenever they begin to enter the REM phase producing a state known as REM deprivation. Under the experiments when the subjects allowed to sleep normally again a modest REM comes again. Various techniques were applied to reveal this study namely a. Neurosurgery chemical injection b. Electroencephalography c. Positron emission tomography.

Study upon the nature of sleep

Less than 7 to 8 hours of sleep is not necessarily bad for our health because sleep quality is also important and to be accountable to our health factors.

To have a sound and high quality sleep regularity plays a crucial role in the cycle of sleep. It expects regularity and works best under conditions of regularity. A man or an woman should go to bed at the usual time. If you think you need to assure 7to 8 hours of sleep and you go to bed earlier it will destroy your regularity.

What happens if you don’t sleep?

Not getting enough sleep can damage the body in the following ways :
1. It will damage your natural fitness.
2. It will make lose your energy at work.
3. It will damage or weaken your immune system.
4. It will be damaging for your heart and brain.
5. It will be detrimental to your emotional reactions and mental health.
6. It will affect your sex life and bring hormonal disorders.
7. It will make you lose or gain body abnormally.

When you don’t get enough sleep, you may also increase your risk of cancers, diabetes and even reasoning power!

If you find yourself part of this no-sleep category you’re not the only one. Approximately 1 in 10 adults isn’t getting enough sleep at night regularly.

Here are the details of what happens to your body when you don’t sleep enough hours at night regularly.

1. You get sick!
Losing sleep can impair your body’s ability to fight off illness. This makes it easier to get sick.

Researchers even uncovered a close and reciprocal relationship between sleep and immune system. You may lose additional sleep while your body gets disbalanced.

2. Your heart suffers!
Short sleep durations (less than 5 hours per night) and long sleep durations as 9 or more hours per night) is with a negative impact on your heart health.

3. Your risk of Cancer increases! Owing to the shortened sleep also the risk of breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and prostate cancer increases.

Overnight shift workers may take the heat of this evil effect. Both men and women who sleep regularly 7 to 8 hours at night normally are with the lesser chances of falling sick with those diseases in their life.

4. You can’t think!
Even missing one night of sleep can lead to some major distortions in thinking.
Brain functions including memory, decision-making, reasoning can decrease with the shortened hours of sleep.

5. You can be more forgetful!

Research studied that shortened hours of sleep has an impact on learning and memory.

6. Your risk of diabetes increases!
With a shorter version of sleeping people who don’t get enough sleep increase their risk of developing diabetes.

7. Loss of sleep can make you faulty and accident prone!

Research has revealed that the following people are the most vulnerable in their life with the risk of inviting multiple diseases in their life owing to less hours of sleep at night in the the regular intervals.
They are :
1.Shift workers.
2.Commercial drivers.
4.Workers or professionals with irregular working hours.

8. Your skin suffers for the loss of sleep at night!

The people with less hours of sleep are also more dissatisfied with their appearance and looks than their counterparts who take the sleep well at night.

"Sleep is an essential ingredient of a healthy body and mind."

Acknowledgment: Wikipedia, Google.

© subrata