

According to me, Saying Sorry is always a easy task, but that was just for the people who think like me.
I mean we couldn't fit everyone in our Shoe.
Okay let me make it more simple,
my point of view states that Saying Sorry is very easy and is a smart choice,
But I am always Forgetting that it's just what I think. Everyone has their rules and principles.
And we shouldn't force someone to change their way of thinking just because we want it.

Yeah! it took we some time to understand this point but today I was totally clear about it.
Let me tell it to you by a real life example that I experienced today.

The place where I live, Always has new interests to follow, It was the turn of Cycling this time.
My dad asked me to follow the trend too.
Since everyone was cycling, most of them were exchanging cycle to try something new.
But I didn't do so, because I didn't want to bother anyone but when someone asked me for exchanging cycles. I didn't want to do it,
But for some reason I couldn't say "NO". And instead said "OKAY FINE" After exchanging I questioned myself why did I do it when I could just say NO.
Many people asked me for exchanging, But guess what I couldn't say NO.
Every time I wanted to, My Brain and Heart said me "How would they feel if I say NO".

So what I wanted to tell is My Rule states that "Don't refuse clearly,it's Rude"

But When many think that "Always Do what you want to"

Finally I learned few things today
" Respect Everyone's thoughts"
"Life Actually teaches you new things"
"Always listen to Elders,cause they have already learned the lessons that we haven't"

Hope you liked the message, I want to assign you a task now.

1.Tell me your rules in the comments, Don't hesitate be honest.
2.Dont fight with someone because What they think is against your principle.

© Miss Writter