

Situations (part 2)
Suicide, the worst of them all. No one deserves to die,but they just can't handle their own problems,and ends up leaving.
If you know people going this,please speak up,help them,support them and reassure them.

Love,the worlds happiness and problems, fall in love with someone who genuinely cares and loves you, not for someone who wants you for your body or face,for both genders. If you're in a relationship, never give up on them,support, help,love,and everything will work out, never fight over silly things, because that's how good relationships end.

I'm not good at this writing things,I'm just trying to help others who are going through things in their lives, I know most of y'all are not okay,I'm here to help. I will write things based on situations and on life. Honestly you don't need to follow me or things like that. If you need any advice then I'm here.
Thanks for reading, and please don't hate,I'm just trying be a good influence on you guys🙂❤🙏
© T.Jafta