

Reviewing the past
It has been ten years now since I lost my twin brother, but on this day when I remember him, it still looks like it was yesterday. What makes it very painful is the fact that l was responsible. Thinking about it now I can't stop remembering how it all happened.
we had just finished highschool and were planing to proceed to college, l was going to study accounts and he was going to study mechanical engineering. Through a stroke of luck we were admitted to the same university. Everything went well in our first year in college but during the second year things changed.
I had a friend in college named frank. Frank was richest guy in school, he drove the latest cars and lived an extravagant lifestyle. frank was kind and generous to every one but for some reasons my bro disliked him, he was always advising me to stay clear of frank but I didn't.
During the middle of our second year, frank hosted a very big party and he invited me and my bro but knowing fully well that my bro wouldn't go, I kept the invitation a secret and lied to frank that my bro was sick. At the party frank introduced me to some of his friends whom he said he knew from college, I was given a luqid substance to drink and thereafter, I lost consciousness.
When I woke up, I was tied to a chair in a dark room, the door opened and frank walked inside the room with a pistol in his hand, I was dumfolded.
Frank told me that he was part of a secret society that sell human part to people and that I was a victim. He told me that by morning I will be long gone then he left the room. Through a miraculous chance, I managed to escape but one of the gang saw me and alerted the others, they chased me and I ran all the way back to my hostel room. luckily enough, my bro was inside when I ran in. I quickly bolted the door and narrated my odel to my bro, immediately I finished, we had a knock on the door, my bro told me that we should switch clothes and then he made me escape through the widow. As soon as I dropped on the ground I ran as fast as I can to the police station and narrated everything to them, the cops wasted no time in getting to the scene but by the time we got there my bro was long gone. The police patrolled the area and was able to capture two members of the gang whom and after being tortured told the police the whereabouts of the other gang members. They we're captured and sent to jail, frank and the other gang members we're sentenced to life 25years in prison on charge of man sluter.
Today I am a chartered accountant and head of the most prestigious banks in the stats. When I think of my bro now, I picture him as a hero and a legend.