

Melissa theory
My name is melissa, like others life's one way or another life has tooken me threw roller coaster rides .I walked in this world at my moms surprise the doc looked her in her eyes "mame your daughter has heart disease,the test results don't lie "As she cried she wiped her eyes ,40 years later by the doctors sit and sigh im a miracle by gods great blessings im alive!By 16 blinded by a street sign ,in a blink of an eye two guys crashed in to us taking there own lives,leaving the ones who survived in a shifty state of mind.much pain we all canceled thank god we healed some still try to hide there pain inside tho so I've come to decide,how to put what's broken back together simply breaking glass which I provide ,allowing beauty back in side .Sometimes its hard to look your self in the eye allowing your light to shine bright in the dark the blind will prevail there talent I know this will heal!
© Melissa fortuno