

Dialogue Prompt #2
Everytime, this happens Every Single Time. Everytime they take her side. Everytime I turn out to be the bad guy. They've turned me into the villain in the story book they never knew exsisted in the first place. I've been working so hard while she relaxes on her fucking ass, doing absolutely nothing to please anyone. She doesn't even care! And yet I am the one with the horrible grades, even though I study for every test. I become the culprit for her crimes. It is so obvious that they favour her, it kills me to say it, but I know it's true. I will have nothing the way she has it. I will not be as loved as she is, and I won't be as successful as her. I won't be as pretty as her fragile, glass face, and I won't be as mean spirited as she is. It's not fair.

"Apologize to her."
I refuse. I refuse. I won't do it this time. I won't fall fool to their favoritism.
"Emma, Elizabeth, Layce. Look at me."
I hated when my mom used my full name. That's when I knew I was in deep shit. There was no turning back from trying to improve our relationship after tonight if I didn't obey.

But I couldn't obey. I couldn't let her win again. I had to stand my ground. I had to show her that what she was doing wasn't right. I was on the brink of tears, watching aimlessly at my poor...