

The long journey
The Long Journey
I find myself walking tirelessly down a tunnel and not seeing the supposed light I’ve been told about. My feet are aching and the sole of my shoes are worn mirroring my soul. My tongue longs for water and I crave for food.
I remember when I newly started my journey, my eyes shone with pride ,cheeks rosy and plump, lips full and pink, my golden skin fresh and hydrated contrasting with my Snow White garment and I walked as if I owned the land.
I met a lot of people on my way singing my praises and swamping me with so much attention, falling at my feet doing my every wish with smiles plastered on their faces. My “friends” laugh and talk with me as the journey proceeds. Strangers continue to chant my praises and I walk with my head held high.
As time went by I had either skipped or fallen into pot-holes coming out with stains on my once white garment. My eyes struggling to hold the pride it once held with ease, my cheeks as pale as a vampire’s skin, my lips thin and cracked from thirst and my skin a shadow of its past beauty.
My “friends” started talking behind my back, few of them saying nasty comments to my face. My praise singers disbanded and to me my journey had just begun.
I laid my head on different stones along the way seeking comfort at night, praying for sleep so I can forget my sorrows. My prayers where finally answered one fateful night, I slept with an unusual ease only to feel his hands on me, I struggled to no avail....I was raped, My eyes watered, I lost my pride, my head I once held high was brought down by shame. It was just the tip of the iceberg. The amount of abuse physically, emotionally and spiritually that I faced cannot be numbered.
Along the way I found someone, we walk side by side during the day and at night He’ll keep watch. His voice was music to my ears, His skin against mine sent shivers down my spine, His stare bore into my soul, His smile my comfort and His silence my dread. In sorrow He comforted me with words that left me thinking He would say He is the “BREAD OF LIFE” on several occasions and also the “LIVING WATER”. My journey was not easier but it became peaceful as I put all my trust in Him. We’ll sit and He’ll tell me stories, stories that touched me in places I never knew existed. In return I’ll tell Him the stories of my past and He’ll listen to me rant.
I was reborn, my eyes shone with pride, cheeks rosy and plum, lips full and pink, my skin returned to its former glory. He washed my garment with His blood and it shone as bright as light. Walking down the tunnel became child’s play, I retold he’s story to everyone I met, washing their garments with His blood.
I saw it, I finally saw it, I saw the light. I ran as fast as my legs allowed me towards the light I was seeing, large hot tears rolling down my cheeks. I made it, I turned to my left where I last saw Him and he was nowhere to be found more tears fell as I searched hard for Him. I sat and cried when I heard His voice, I turned abruptly but I still could not see Him. What I saw next left my jaw ajar, the streets were gold, I could hear running water and I followed the sound only to see a river of what looked like milk and honey, I was amazed. I suddenly realized I was not on earth, but where was I? The realization slapped me hard on my face, I was overjoyed. It’s true, I’m.......I’m in heaven.

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