

whispers in the dark.
Wide, frightened eyes took in the casual gait of the man walking towards her. Cold beads of sweat broke out across her forehead. It couldn't be him, could it?
It was him! That smirk on his thin lips was too cruel to belong to someone else.
But how could it be? She had killed him years ago!...
with every step he took she would close her eyes as tight as she could hoping she was just imagining what she was seeing. until he brushed right through her whispering in her ear " I'm coming for you". her eyes widened with fright and guilt. "Stephanie?" she could hear her roommate calling her. "stephanie!" she heard her cry louder.
as stephanie came back to reality she looked at her roommate with a glossy blank stare as though she had been blacked out for hours.
"stephanie?!" " are you okay?" she heard once more.
"yeah... I'm fine." stephanie said with a ball in her throat trying to hold back the fear.
"are you sure? you were starting to scare me." Marie said with a concerned look.
"yeah. I think I just need to lay down" stephanie replied.
as she started walking up the stairs to her room she could feel the hairs on the back of her neck still standing like a frightened cat trying to fend off a predator. she couldn't believe what she saw and heard. wondering if it was just a hallucination or If it was real. The next day she woke up feeling as if she hadn't slept all night. probably because she was tossing and turning all night.
she walked to her bathroom that was in her room right in front of her bed. she looked in the mirror
"ugh, I should not be having bags under my eyes at my age." she got dressed and headed to the front door. as she was just about to open the door she heard from the staircase "wait."
"oh god" stephanie rolled her eyes as she turned around.
"hey. I just wanted to check on you. are you okay?" Marie asked concernly.
"yeah. I'm fine I guess I just got a little too wasted at the party last night." she replied coldly, not wanting Marie to ask any more questions. "okay. if you say so" Marie said disconcerned.
Throughout the day stephanie was looking over her shoulder sweating in panic wondering if he was ever going to show up again. or maybe her guilt was finally starting to eat her inside out. As the day was just about to end stephanie was walking home it began to rain lightly on her face and the street lights starting turning on. not thinking anything of it she just continued on her 30 min. walk home.
" I'm coming for you my darling" she heard a whisper.
Stephanie's eyes opened wide in terror.
"oh darling, I told you I would be back"
she heard another whisper.
stephanie stopped in her tracks "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?" she screamed into the dead of the night. she waited a couple of minutes too see if he would reply... but nothing.. she started walking again but only took a couple more steps before she saw his shadowy figure start walking toward her. the light misty became heavy rain as stephanie began to run in the other direction. she felt him gaining on her becoming more and more distressed she began to call out "HELP!!!!" "PLEASE SOMEOME HELP ME!!!" stephanie was screaming at the top of her lungs until she couldn't breath anymore. she collapsed on the ground not being able to go on any further.
Then in just a flash she felt his presence on top of her. starting to choke her neck. gasping for air she could only see blurs. "please stop" "I'll do anything" she tried to say clearly but couldn't. she could feel herself going limp now and everything felt numb.
"anything?" she heard his whispering voice in her ear.
she could feel his hot breath breathing down her neck, his lips barely touching the back of her lower ear.
"yes. anything. please just let me go"
"confess" his voice turned horse and scratchy like nails to a chalk board.
stephanie blacked out.

when she finally woke up she was in her bed. "wha...what happened?"
"you were passed out on the front porch" said Marie. " I thought you said nothing was wrong stephanie?!" " is it about your ex? cause you know that wasn't your fault!"
stephanie broke down and started to bawl. " I keep seeing him Marie! I can't help it but I do!" " you dont understand what happened" stephanie starts walking out of her room trying to escape.
"well if you would just tell me! maybe I could help you!" " you know i would never judge you" yells Marie as she follows stephanie. trying to make a desperate attempt to escape Marie flies in front of stephanie. "please... have I ever let you down before?"
rolling her eyes and wiping her tears away stephanie let's out a deep sigh.
" fine... come to my room and I'll tell you everything..."

1 hour...

2 hours....

3 hours pass by....

" I can't believe you would do such a thing stephanie... but I understand why you did it." Marie says softly.
" he was a horrible person and he deserved what was coming to him." Marie said.
"thank you, but what do I do now? I can't exactly go to the police again. not after the big help they served last time."
" your right. were going to have to get through this on our own. where was he buried?"
" he wasn't. they never found the body."
said stephanie shakily.
"what if he made it out? what if he never died!" stephanie says panting and anxiously.
" well we will just have to wait for him then huh?" said Marie.

Later that night both Marie and stephanie spent the night in Stephanie's room together. stephanie couldn't sleep so she went downstairs to get something to drink. just as she was about to head back upstairs she heard a door creak open. stephanie dropped her glass in fright. "who's there?" " ace? is that you?"
she said almost silent.
" my darling" whispered ace
" I told you I would be back!" he runs up out of the dark to pin stephanie to the floor. she could feel him wrapping his large hands around her neck. " I told you I would be back!" she whispered again in her ear.
" oh how I have missed you baby" he starts to kiss her aggressively on the neck and on her chest.
wimpering in fear stephanie pleads " please stop ace...please let me go"
" awe why baby didnt you miss me!" ace pushes her down more. as she could feel his other hand start to run between her legs. BANG! "LEAVE HER ALONE YOU PRICK!!" Marie came from upstairs and hit ace in the back of the head with a baseball bat. she keeps swinging at him " you worthless piece of shit!" Marie screams! as stephanie races to her phone to call 911 ace gets up and back hands Marie to the floor. steph. looks up too see her best friend passed out on the floor. she runs quickly to the other room and locks the door.
"911 what's your emergency" she hears the phone say. " help my ex is trying to hurt me. and he has already hurt my roommate. " okay what's your location ma'am" 911 operator says calmly.
"331 wind-" stephanie gets cut off by ace as he throws her to the floor and knocks the phone out of her hands. "HELPP!!! PLEASE HELP ME!" screams stephanie. ace pins her again, this time with 10x more strength he starts choking her again.as stephanie felt her life slipping away she was woken with a sudden... BANG BANG BANG "shots fired shots fired suspect has been apprehended" stephanie heard the cops. "oh my goodness" she thought to herself. " I'm save" "ma'am. maam your going to be okay" as radio chatter was going throughout the house. stephanie and her roommate were taken to the hospital finally save. no longer wondering what was going to come next.
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