

As time goes by
No one can just stop loving someone, no not if it's real. But when a person knows that the person that they are in love with don't have the same feelings for them, well to tell the truth it's not worth their love. These days some people, I said some people are trying to make love be something painful and difficult.
We don't teach love anymore not what it really is and love is taken for granted.
This gives room
for excuses for some to misuse love don't it.
You can love someone even when there isn't
a body there to be held but it's not the same and is not enough for me.
That's not love and you know it.
You know what love is,
and that's the second time that you said,
(I wouldn't do that shit to you..)
but you know that that's not the truth too don't you..
You do it everyday
You have numerals of fans ain't that's what you said,
just take your pick
You wanna point out that I unfollowed you,
that I stopped talking to you.
You also said sarcasticly that
I was there for you,
I see your chosen everyday in every way fashion form and in living color.
It's not a fall out to me but it is to you but you know that you're stronger than that.
I stepped back for me, I'm alone you with no one and I mean no one.
Look there's no need to go on not like this see I'm very happy for you, you have a wonderful life most would kill for yess.
I'll still be there for you but not like before I just turned this fan down on low.
This ain't the first time that this happened.
I've been a gruppy for others before and still love them I just stopped talking to them ither
But...I'm still a fan of theirs I still love them.
I'll be there for you just not so close I've enjoyed having you to dote on to talk to.
But now I'm trying to find someone to talk to that can are able to talk and need a friend.
You have millions of fans.
Your Fan

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