

The Secret (Part - XII)
...I could text him. I told about the current situation. Finally, we reached to Selina's house.
I thought to drop them but he thought that it would be a great chance to catch them and reveal the secrets.
They again told me to come inside. I agreed after a while.
We went inside. Before entering, I got a thought to bring the pen so that I could record the things. I gave an excuse and came to my car.
He also reached with the help of my current location.
Well, now I was not worried. The black coat would handle the situation.
We just gave a signal. I went inside.
There were few more people wearing masks.
Nia gave me the mask. I wore it too l.
It didn't seemed as a party nor as a meeting until I just got an evidence.
Well, the secrets were opening.

The Frenchman at Kary's house was there in a room with a French lady, an old man and who was that?

Kary! she was there too. I could not hear the conversation. I was too close but Selina just called me. I just hope that the black coat would get the evidence.

"Alex, I was right Kary was the one whom we were searching, she is with that Frenchmen but still we need to find something", said the black coat.

" And what is it?"

"What is her intention?"

" How would we do that", I said.

"First of all let me send a message to the head of the commission. Today the Secret would be revealed."

" What should I do then", I asked.

"You just need to look on to Nia and Selina and try to get some information about the Frenchman."

"Okay, but please be aware we are in the enemy's house."

After two hours...


© Niharika Ojha