

The midnight Star
Wishing upon a midnight Star to see your long lost friend. How I wish I could see her again as it's been so long. The memories flow through my mind as I remember our times together. Wishing upon that midnight Star that we were together once again.

The laughter we shared, the tears we shared, the hugs we shared, are all just a memory as we are so far apart now. But memories can never be taken away. Miles and miles are between us now as we have moved on and on in our lives we are not just next door to each other now. We still enjoy each other everyday.

Every time I see a flower bed full of roses I think of her as she always love the red roses when they were in bloom. She would say it was like the heart of Love when she saw a roses as they smell so lovely it made her smile and made her think of love. So every time I see somebody's flower bed that has roses I think of her and it always makes me smile.

As I received the phone call that you were gone today, I remembered the day we met. You were all alone in a small town you didn't have no friends I didn't either we both had ended up becoming friends we did everything together. We ended up being so close that we told each other everything. We were more like sisters than best friends. As I lay here and think of you you will always be a part of me you will never be forgotten. You made a big impact on my life and you will always be an impact on your kids' lives.

Wishing upon a midnight Star that I could see you once again I know you are up in heaven dancing with Jesus. I want you to know I will always miss you but you will always be with me and I will never forget the love that we shared that you always did mean the world to me. so as I wish upon this midnight Star once again I wish I could be there one more time and hold your hand we could laugh and cry together.

If if I could have just one dream come true it would be that I could be there at your side in your last moments so that we could cry together at your dying moment. but the Lord had other plans my dear friend. just know as I lay here tonight that I am wishing upon that midnight Star that you are at peace and no that you are in my mind and my heart.