

Dear anxiety,
Dear anxiety,

why do you have to show up at the most bizarre times, especially when I'm having a good time? when you're around, I feel as though I'm about to pull the nails right out of the floorboard that I'm standing on. why do you have to affect people the way you do.

Anxiety, I literally wish that you did not exist. however, without you life would be so much simpler. however, you do bring benefits. It's just the results vary from person to person and Some are not bothered by you at all.

You keep people awake worrying about the most littlest things, sometimes nothing at all, and other times when the occasion shows up , you fail to show.

I literally wish I could understand your motives because the health benefits of having you around are definitely not good ones. however, sometimes you stop people in their tracks from doing the most stupidest things.

Sometimes you're very influential, scientific discoveries have been made because of you, and still people act in the most peculiar if not bizarre ways because of the way you make us feel.

Hell, I don't have much more to say. Anxiety, it's just the little things that you do, the attitudes that you put us in, I'm just not going to pretend that I enjoy having you around. however, if I turned around I would definitely see where you've made a change in me.

For better or for worse You're definitely not a friend, however. thank you for saving me from making the biggest mistakes that I could have went through with.

© Life is amazing, if you let it be!