

The Invisible

I feel I am lost,
Lost somewhere in space and time.
I don't know what it'll cost,
Though I know, it was not a crime.

My near and dear ones got my post,
I wrote I'm lost,
The coin I tossed flew in the air,
I was not there though I was there.

Footsteps I left was visible,
Though my self remained invisible.
Never had I thought, it could be possible,
Everything became unstable.

Perplexed and complexed,
I put my dress on though was perplexed,
I could see them, though not myself.

Rushed a gang of five staring at the sight.
I put all my might and vanished from their sight.
Left my clothes all at once, realised them of their fright.

Escaping their grips, rushed the child,
He was all fit and fine.
I didn't know what have I done,
He smiled and gathered my clothes,
Looked at the sky not at me,
Whom to see when I can't be seen.

© Chinmoy