

White heart
I can't do this ....who is going to believe me from the fist place???,no this can't be the end of my career,love and dream life.He has no right to this to me .Am a good agent did my job well and was never caught, but what if they found out that am not who they thought I was but a poor girl who saw an opportunity and took it.That day I wasn't supposed to be there ,but that my cruel stepmother wanted to kill me and instead Clara died ;the true angent of (p.h.g) which is powerful,human, group. I never intended to do her job nor be part of who she is ,but somehow I was blind folded without knowing and taken to a facility that I never knew existed. I know what you are thinking if I have powers or not?,well I can't answer you that because strange things have happened to me which I will tell you how it all begun and I know you are eager to know........

'you brat what the hell dou you think you are doing in my kitchen?,I warned you that you are not allowed here right' you could have just died with that stupid mother of yours'.That is what I was left with to be reminded that am just an orphan who's mother died and we'll my dad doesn't care one bit about me . My step-mother is a cruel one she always find every reason to deny me food and even throws me out of the house. I bet that day was not my luck day for I was too cold to her and went out of control that she wanted to kill me with a nife . (continue)
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