

Krishna & Me - A conversation -: part X
Me - Krishna, why do people judge others based on their outer looks?

Krishna - It's one of the pre -  programmed behavioural traits in the humans.

Me  - But why you gave us such a bad trait.

Krishna - So during the primitive times, when all the animals including humans, were living as a prey - predators. They had to keep an eye on every action in the forest & had to make judgements based on their actions in order to keep themselves safe. As humans developed this trait too developed & people started judging others by their looks rather than actions.

Me - But why do they judge others Krishna?

Krishna - There are many reasons why people others, people judge others when they feel the other person is superior or inferior to them, when they feel the other person is not right for the society, when the other person don't fit into their expectations ect.

Me - It is said that “ first impression is last impression.” Is it true Krishna?

Krishna - It's not completely true my dear, although first impression leaves a major impact on others, you can always change thoughts about you in others minds with your actions

© 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥

P.S. - This amazing topic was suggested by @sumitbawane

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