

#Life is not a joke!!!!!
Once upon a time there was a girl named fija,who was very friendly & talkative. she made friend so easily. But she believed none because several times people broke her trust. oneday at the College she met a boy named isan, the boy was very helpful. some days of their friendship has passed. The boy was very helpful. At the every stage of life, he helped fija. Isan had a another good friend.Her name was riva.she was so rude & she all the time misbehaved with him. she mocked the boy among the whole Group circle. But isan never protest against it.That friendship was one side & isan used to like riva. But she had never cared about isan.She was happy with her friends. The time when isan was so alone,that time fija gave her hands towards him. Isan & fija became best friends. They both helped each other in their studies & other activities. After a few months later, riva again started talking with isan. Isan couldn’t persist Himself from talking to riva. Riva then started behaving friendly with isan. They became good friends. But fija couldn’t tolerate it. she told him that"i was with you all the time when riva left you alone ".fija also said that," riva always misbehaved you. How can you forgot that? " Isan told fija that he wouldn’t give riva the place that she had already lost. But isan & riva were good friends. Fija stopped talking with isan. Isan then feeling very sad & he told fija that he was missing her & why she not talking to him. Isan also said that, "I have cried for our friend Ship ". Then fija asked him " Why did you cry? " Isan told her that he cared about their friend ship. Then isan asked fija, "you haven’t cried for our friendship?" Fija replied, "No,I Don't have any emotions." Then again asked isan why he cried.At last isan told her That he liked fija. He also said, "Sometime it is not love, to say you i love you. sometimes caring for you & your happiness is called love ". Fija replied that, " I have considered you as my friend,nothing else ".Isan then told her that he knew about that & that was the reason he didn’t tell her before. Isan told fija not to broke their friendship. Fija agreed that.But riva was also isan's good friend . Fija didn’t like that she told isan why he kept friendship with riva. Fija also told isan that, " Riva all the time insulted you. you have no ego & you are again talking with her". Fija told isan to choose one. Isan then asked fija,"as a what?"Fija told, " as a friend ".Isan told fija that he couldn’t choose Between them. Then fija told him that he might to dare to talk with her ever. Isan tried to talk to her many times.Then, some days later eveything became normal. Fija was preparing for a dance competition & was very busy at this time on her rehearsal. At that moment riva & isan became very very good friends. After dance competition, isan congratulated fija & praised about her dance. Then isan told her that he again fall in love with riva. Fija was shoked & asked him that how can he loved two person at a same time. Isan said that, he liked fija once but he loved riva all the time. Fija was very disappointed. From that moment she broke their friendship & never talked to isan....