

26. Confrontation
Mia's P.O.V

Today is the day I asked Dimitri if what Dominic said was true it's hard for me to believed Dimitri actually killed his ex wife I knew she died but never know how I knew it couldn't be from old age because she obviously had to be a vampire to give birth to her kids the age gap is to far apart for her to be human she would have already died or went through menopause.

But I never expected Dimitri was the one to end her life. We never really spoke about her to be honest. I really don't care about her. That's why I never asked and it was a topic I honestly didn't want to touch.

I got dressed, I put on my favorite light blue high waisted jeans and a white t-shirt. I tucked the t-shirt in my jeans and I pulled my long thick hair up into a ponytail and I put on my gray vans sneakers.

I went downstairs and drank a glass of orange juice and ate some toast and jam. I then went to Perl's room and I knocked at the door but I guess she wasn't in there. I then teleported to Dimitri's castle.

I was now in Donte's bedroom. Luca, Ezra, Benjamin and Devin were in his room playing video games and Donte was on the bed reading a book. I swear they remind me of teenage boys Devin for sure acts like a horny teen he's always with a different girl.

"Hey guys" I said with a big smile on my face.

"Hi Mia"said Donte with a huge smile on his face . Someone's happy to see me damn it I love him he's the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for.

"Hello princess Mianea," said Benjamin. He didn't even look at me. His eyes are glued to the game.

"Mianea" Luca said with no emotion and he turned and looked at me with his emotionless face.

I chill with them for a while then I went to Dimitri's room. He was in bed , he's masterbating he stopped as soon as I walked in bedroom then started at it again when he saw it was me looking at him like this causes my panties to soak I'm honestly craving him right now maybe we can have sex then I can talk to him after.

"Dimitri," I said softly.

"Yes princes" he said and his deep husky voice was filled with lust.my body was now calling for him. I must let him take me right here and right now.

"I want you," I said softly.

He stood up and his dick was erected and his eyes were already changing to red he lifted me up and kissed my lips hungry I wrapped my legs around his body, he then dropped me on the bed and stripped me of my clothes he kisses my neck hungrily he left a trail of wet kisses from my neck all the way down to my inner thigh he then spread my legs open and he kiss the top of my core and he started kissing and sucking my eyes rolled back in my head my body shakes with pleasure and just as I was about to cum he thrusted deep inside me causing me to let out a loud moan.

He thrusted harder and deeper with in me I took my hand and push him off a little but he only went harder he took one of his hands and held both of mines above my head while he thrust deep inside me all I can hear is my moans of pleasure and I can also hear him slamming inside me he took me and spinned me around we were now in a doggie style position I Arched my back for him and wait for him to ender he first put the tip in and then he went him full force I screamed in pleasure.

I swear this man knows what he's doing. I feel like I'm in heaven every time we make love. He thrusted harder and deeper inside me and I moaned out his name.

"Oh l princess your pussy feels so good" he said his voice is so deep it only makes me want him to fuck me more.

I can feel him deep inside me and it's driving me crazy. I'm getting close to my climax and I can feel my body trembling with pleasure. We both came at the sametime.

After our amazing love making we took it to the bath Dimitri and we did it in the bath once more and then we got dressed and went back out into the bedroom.

I laid on his chest and he drew circles in my back with his finger. I love this man so much I can't see my life without him. I hate to ruin the mood but I must find out the truth.

"Dimtri" I said softly, it came out almost like a whisper.

"Yes princess" his deep voice sends chills down my back damn I want round three maybe after we talk.

I told him everything Dominic told me and I got up off his chest and sat on the bed facing him. He looked at me with a sad face, he pinched his nose with frustration and then looked me straight in the eyes.

"My ex wife was a bitch she was power hungry she wanted the kingdom all for herself after she give birth to Devin I asked her if she would like to returned to the human world I wanted her to leave because she was becoming a danger to herself and the kids she threaten to kill Devin and kill me I can see that she was going to be a problem so I end her because.

I didn't want her to be a problem for me or my kids and no they don't know I killed her. I know I shouldn't have and you might say I'm evil for saying this but I regret nothing. I was starting to hate her and to be honest I was a bad person back then.

She would treat the maids like shit she would act as if she was better than me and her kids she would sleep around and she even slept with a guy in my bed in front of Devin when he was a baby so yes I killed her because I hated her and I know if I took her away she would find her way back even though she doesn't possess the power to teleport between worlds I know she would have been a problem so I killed her.

I know this doesn't justify killing her. I know I could have sent her away but I hated that woman. So much and when she suggested that we kidnapped human girls and drained them of their blood got blinded by rage and I ended her like how could you do that you were once human"

I was speechless I honestly don't know how to react to this year his ex wife was wrong for all the shit she did but he could have told his brothers maybe they might have came up with a better solution than killing her what if he starts hating me would he kill me also oh I should snap out if it Dimitr would never hurt me and I know that he was wrong for what he did but I do believe him when he said he has changed and I am willing to forgive him for his pass but he needs to tell his sons that he killed their mother.

"You need to tell your sons that you were the one responsible for their mother's death. Who else knows about this other than Dominic and I? I said.

"Your father and that's it" said Dimitri.

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