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He was seeing trees after a long time.He lived alone in apartment and had no friends or family. so watching nature and the people in the park was really refreshing and fun for him and the trees and surroundings all felt very real and pretty.suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder and his peaceful world shattered.His heart started beating faster and he remained still not knowing what to do.He finally shakely started to remove his virtual reality headset......To be continued


He looked back and saw a mask. It was a man, and he was wearing a mask. A black mask. Just black all over it. It was like looking into a deep black abyss. He wanted to move or scream or shout or do anything, but he couldn't, he just kept on staring into his mask. Then he closed his eyes and opened them back again. He was sweaty, and his heart was racing. Was that all really a dream he couldn believe it. It all felt so realistic. He checked his whole apartment and turned on all the lights. He just couldn't believe it was all a dream. After some time he took a shower, and he began to accept the fact it was just a bad dream. After he was energized again he went to try on the virtual reality headset.that's when he realized. He had the headset delivered to his apartment yesterday, and he couldn't wait to try it on. So he began to think it makes sense that his brain would think something like that .he put on the headset and booted it up. He couldn't be bothered to connect to the internet. There was one game on it already installed. It was a game called REALITY. It looked like a simulation of a park. He selected and went into the game. He thought what a weird coincidence that he would dream this same park but he didn't think that much of it. He began exploring inside the game gazing
at the realistic environment. He had this gloves with him that could allow him to feel whatever that was in the game. He was just looking around when he saw a person in the distance he was wearing clothes just like his avatar, but it was all black. He caught up to this person. Wondering if it was a NPC he reached out his hand and put on the man's shoulder....... To be continued.


I put my hand on his shoulder and I waited to see if it would respond and give me a quest or something. But he didn't move. He just stood still. ”Hello” I said but no response.I started to feel stupid it must be a glitch I started to take my hand of him when he turned around and i instantly froze. It was him. The man with the black mask.i started to run away but I was frozen just like in my dream and i couldn do anything but stare into his mask.I was trying my hardest to make my hand move and remove the device but no matter how hard I tried i couldn't l.then something weird began to happen his mask started to move it was like a liquid form mask, and it was swirling into a vortex, and then it started to become a black hole and it was sucking me into the mask.I tried hard to resist but I still couldn't move and my avatar was sucked into the mask .it was total darkness inside the mask and I felt myself becoming unconscious and I blacked out.i don't know how long I was knocked out but when I finally started to wake up.I realized something was wrong I was lying in something hard like concrete, and it was really hot. When I was able to open my eyes i couldn't believe what I was seeing I was in the park I saw in the game but in real life.I was struggling to get up when suddenly someone offered me a hand I took the hand and I started to look up when to my horror it was the man with the black mask again. But this time his mask wasn't that terrifying it looked like a mask made of stone, and it was not moving but my instincts still told me to run.
“Wait I'm not going to hurt you” he said, but it was in a calm robotic voice.

“What's happening i don't understand. Why are all these things happening to me and why were you in my dream and the VR device” I said

“I know you have a lot of questions, and you will get your answers to them in time, but first you have to listen to me” He said

“ok IL listen tell me”

“For starters my name is DIVAD, and it is nice to meet you....... To be continued.


DIVAD started to explain everything to me
“there is a purpose in what's happening to you”
he said

“Yeah what's that” I asked annoyingly

“From now on you will face challenges and go through trials that are harder than everything you have done” he said.

I noticed that his voice went distorted when he is saying these things.it was like he was speaking with a robotic voice changer.

“Yeah well i don't want to do these things.I just want to go home” I said

DIVAD chuckled and then said “just where is your home exactly?”

I don't understand what he is trying to say.I angrily said “Home is home...my apartment”

“and where is your apartment?” he asked

That's when it hit me.i don't remember where I live.

“What did you do to me why can't I remember where I live” I asked him frustrated

“Not knowing where you live is the least of your problems” He said

I started to get scared”what do you mean” I asked him

“Well can you tell me about your family?”

“Of course I can my family died when I was little
I was the only child” I said

“What about their names?”

For some reason I started to feel uneasy

“Their names are-”
I froze
why can't I remember their names
I started to say it again
“Their named are” but again I couldn't finish the sentence

I started breathing really fast and a million things were going through my mind

DIVAD started to speak

“Forget their names do you even remember their faces”?

And that's when it hit me, i don't remember anything before my apartment.my earliest memory is the dream I had.
I was having trouble speaking and breathing
I sat down thinking what could all this mean.

then another horrid thought came to my head

and DIVAD began to speak

“One final question”

But i already I knew what the question was.

I started to speak to him

“No don't say it please don't”

But then he asked that was in my mind all this mind

he said

“What is your name”....... To be continued.


“I don't know” I said

“i don't know” I kept repeating

I don't understand what's happening.I began to put my hands on my head and shut everything out.

DIVAD started to speak

“I understand how you feel, but now this makes things simpler”

“What do you mean?”

“You want your memories and identity back you will have to come with me”

“Do I have a choice” I asked him

“you will always have a choice this is a small one you will have to make bigger choices in the end”

i didn't understand what he meant by that last sentence. But I knew this I have to get back my memories at any cost. So I told him

“Fine I will come with you”

“good choice” he said

and his black mask started to become a black hole again, and it sucked me in

When I woke up again I was in front of a huge mall.

I asked him. “Where are we?”

He said

This is the beginning of your first trial...... To be continued.


“What is this place and why are all the people ignoring us” I said

“This is a simulation” DIVAD said in that same lifeless robotic voice

“What am I supposed to do here” I asked him looking at the mall

In answer to my question he pulled a large black button out of his pocket

“You have to decide to push this button or not”

“What does the button do” I asked him scared

There was a pause

Then he replied

“It destroys this building and kills everyone in it by an explosion”

I was too stunned to reply

I looked at the button as it were to explode

“Why are you making me do this”

“You will understand everything I am doing in the future, but now you have a choice to make”

“NO” I said fiercely

“no i won't do it”

“You have destroyed a lot of things and killed a lot of people in your video games.i don't see why this is different”

“How do I know this is a simulation, and you are not lying to me” I said angrily”

“There is no way you can know if I'm saying the truth or not but if you want to live and get your identity back and.....and....want to know the truth about your parent's death then you will have to push that button” he said without taking a breath

“What do you mean about my parent's death. Tell me”

“As I told you will get your answers in the end”

“Now i won't ask again” he said putting the button on my hand

“PUSH IT” he said

I was really lost At that moment.i didn't know if he was telling the truth or is this a simulation or real or should I risk it for my identity as I was
thinking about all this my body automatically pushed the button

There was a flash at the bottom of the mall and an explosion and the whole mall came crashing down.

I didn't know if I pushed the button subconsciously or I meant to push it, but it was done


“Good” he said

“now come with me”

I knew I had no choice but to do what he said, he was clearly not human.

“Ok” I said reluctantly

Then his mask became a black hole and I was sucked into it again

When I woke up again I was in the park but DIVAD was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly a hand touched my shoulder

Thinking it was DIVAD I began to push it away but I felt a sharp pain in my back

Someone had stabbed me

I instantly fell to the ground

i couldn breathe or move I was laying down there while I saw my blood on the ground gradually increasing and my vision become darker and I was going unconscious

Then I died...... To be continued.


When I opened my eyes I was in a white void

it was all empty around me

Wherever I looked it kept on going.

Is this the afterlife I thought

not knowing what to do I kept on walking and walking and walking then I saw something in the distance.it was people

I called out to them

I said “Hey”

they saw and came towards me

they were about 4 of them.2 males and 2 females

When I reached them I asked them.

“Who are you people”

One of them a girl replied

“We don't know” she said

“we don't have any of our memories”

I think they are the same as me

“Me too i don't remember anything I said”

“but i remember dying”

“Us too” she said

“Hey why were you separated from us” the other girl said accusingly

“i don't know” I said

“Hey stop it he seems to be in the same condition as us” one of the boys said

I was about to ask them if they all saw a creepy mask guy but suddenly a loud voice boomed out

“WELCOME” it said

“where is that sound coming from” I said out loud

“welcome” it said again

“You all will be confused about what I am going to say but try your best to understand me”

it sounded like it was speaking to us directly in our head

we all looked at each other

Then the girl said “Who are you”

To which it replied

“I AM REALITY”...... To be continued.


“What do you mean you are reality?” I asked

“I meant exactly what I said I'm reality or I'm a god of reality”

We kept hearing the voice all around us

“Where are you” one of the boys asked

“I am everywhere.I am passing through you right now” it said

“I could not believe what was happening. All this felt like a terrible nightmare”

“What are you going to do to us”

“That's the fun part I'm going to explain that now”
I could not believe how normal this voice sounded. Just like another human

“as you all remember you all are dead and I have chosen the 5 of you for a purpose.even though I'm a god I'm going to die soon and I need successors to take my place after I die and that's why I have chosen you 5”

All of us were speechless

We did not know what to say. After a long time I spoke

isent there 5 of us and.it seems like you are one entity

Reality replied

“as I said I'm A god of reality. There can be multiple gods of reality”

“i don't want to do any of this send me back” the girl who accused me earlier said

“Do you want me to send you back to your death. Also you all want your memories back right?” it asked

The situation became clear quickly

“What should we do now” I asked

“I'm getting to that now”

“From now on you will face challenges and go through trials that are harder than everything you have done”

For some reason I felt déjà vu

“And if you pass these challenges you all will be get your memories and become

Gods of Reality”....... To be continued.