

Hard work is very important in our lives. Success in any task can be achieved only through hard work in our life. Whether it is a poor person in the society or a rich person, everyone works hard to achieve success in their life tasks. Hard work is the key to success in any task in life. Whatever bad time a man may have in life, even that bad time is removed from the nectar of hard work. There are so many struggles in life that all the trouble comes. The man who loses against the struggles and difficulties that come in life. Struggle or difficulty does not go away from that man but that struggle or difficulty grows in the life of man. But if a man becomes fearless in the face of struggle or difficulty in life and faces that difficulty or struggle, he reaches the goal he has set in life.
Troubles or struggles do not cause pain in human life but show the way to reach the nectar of happiness. Struggle lasts only for a short time in a person's life. But the experience a person has at that time helps a person to fulfill his dream in the true sense of the word. The difficulty...