

Hard work is very important in our lives. Success in any task can be achieved only through hard work in our life. Whether it is a poor person in the society or a rich person, everyone works hard to achieve success in their life tasks. Hard work is the key to success in any task in life. Whatever bad time a man may have in life, even that bad time is removed from the nectar of hard work. There are so many struggles in life that all the trouble comes. The man who loses against the struggles and difficulties that come in life. Struggle or difficulty does not go away from that man but that struggle or difficulty grows in the life of man. But if a man becomes fearless in the face of struggle or difficulty in life and faces that difficulty or struggle, he reaches the goal he has set in life.
Troubles or struggles do not cause pain in human life but show the way to reach the nectar of happiness. Struggle lasts only for a short time in a person's life. But the experience a person has at that time helps a person to fulfill his dream in the true sense of the word. The difficulty or struggle in the life of man identifies the true power within man. The trouble or struggle in the life of man recognizes himself as a result of the trouble or struggle in the life of man. Man is the true warrior of life.
Only when there is difficulty or struggle in the goal set by man in his life does man know whether he is fit to get the set goal and get nectar in the form of happiness or not. Man's worthiness is determined only by the difficulty or struggle that comes in the work. The difficulty or struggle that comes in the life of a man leads man to devotion, virtue, satsang, sanskar. The trouble or struggle that comes in the life of a man leads man to good deeds. The trouble or struggle that comes in the life of a man. The thorns in man's life are removed and taken to the flower path. The difficulty or struggle that comes in man's life teaches man to live life in the true sense. The trouble or struggle that comes in man's life is like a guru who gives man. Leads life from ignorance in the form of darkness to light in the form of knowledge.
This light in the form of knowledge not only makes one's life happy but also brings light in the form of happiness in the lives of other human beings by removing the ignorance in the form of darkness.
Swami Vivekananda has said a very beautiful sentence in this regard. "Wake up and persevere till the goal is achieved". This sentence is very important in the life of a human being. Swami Vivekananda's personality is a very inspiring personality to face the difficulties and struggles in the life of a human being by being fearless. The key to happiness in the life of a human being The source is hard work. Diligence is the same philosopher's stone. No matter how rich or poor a person is, he has to face struggle and difficulty in life. Man's struggle against difficulty in man's life teaches him to live life in the true sense. The meaning is known only by diligence against adversity.
Man attains happiness by striving against the difficulties that come in life. He is happier than the happiness of heaven. Just as a true diamond can only be identified by a goldsmith, so too can a goal-seeker know the goal achieved through the struggle of a man in trouble. It does not matter whether the goal is small or large but the hard work and struggle to achieve the goal. It is important. No goal in human life can be reached just by imagining. But to reach that goal one has to face all the difficulties.
At times in life, despite working hard and struggling to reach the goal, the goal set in our life cannot be reached. This time we become very frustrated. This time we blame our destiny or life. We remember only two things at that time. (1) It is not in our destiny and (2) Our life is of no use. As soon as we remember these two sentences, we leave the way to reach that goal. But instead of giving up this path, if we correct the mistakes in our life and try again to achieve that goal, then we can reach the goal we have set in our life.
Let us also work hard in our lives and reach the dream goal set in our life and take our family, society and nation towards the nectar of happiness. I wish you all the best.
That is why it is said, "Siddhi tene jai vare, je parseve nhay".
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