

Pain of Separation.
Now a days many people have their pets. I also have my cat as pet.

When I was going to hydrabad i accedently found her injured and lying on the road in bad situation. I lifted her and went to home and did her treatment for one weak.

After one weak when she was fine. I named her lucy. Lucy looked very gorgeous. She was very attractive.

Once, upon a time my aunt invited me to her home for one month in summer veccation. So I went there. And I and Lucy got separated to each one.

I was not feeling good there without Lucy.
My mom called me that she was very fretting without me and She was not eati g something and not playing with anyone. She became very thin due to her declining health. I could not resist myself, and returned to my home on 15th day.

When i came home she ran towards me and jumped on my arms. She beacme very happy.

I realised that she was telling me something. Although silently I realised that ''Animals also feel the plesure of love and pain of separation''