

From the Ledge To A Trampoline
You seen me moving but then you dropped you M&Ms to me falling out the car. And you ran an got help to me
being out on the corner. Then you disappeared and then five years later we have drinks at the dinner theater and your trying to kill me. over a script which is now in production. which we fought over and you left it alone so I went after it. An now I am hanging of the side of a. building wondering how I got here and why you over top of me with a gun to my head reminding me that you better in every way and shape and form for some sick weird reason you think I want to here you say I beat you and I am better. Now I will be here once you fall and take credit for the story. But I fall and let go see you don't know about the trampoline on the ground a person had for me ready knowing that you wanted me dead. So I go for it and it's good and clear. But now you think I am dead and you go and say oh this script is mine. An the agency let's you think that moneys is coming to you but no. I go and get that
award and you like no you dead.
But no I am alive and wanted you to think this so you would see that we need to split this because you and me both put time and work into making it what it is in the long run. So we agreed and both won an award that year for it .
But in the back of our minds we need to kill each other to be more successful then thee other. What? so you see before your eyes to great works for crazy with a thought of offing one another for no reason but to say I am better which is never a good reason to off
a challenger. For it never makes for a good ending to any solution.

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