

Working In Shadow Leigh
Grandma I got a call from Shadow Leigh just now said Calvin. Well if they are asking to bring me back there tell them that I have already died replied Catherine. No grandma it’s something different this time apparently Staci wants me and you both to put in an application so we can help out over there because some people are getting fired and it’s not enough people working there like how it was before said Calvin. Well good if I work there I will treat every patient with kindness I remember the last time I was in Shadow Leigh that nurse that came in me and your uncle’s room she had an rude attitude and I didn’t understand her but being in Shadow Leigh is like being in prison it’s not fun being in there replied Catherine. That day on Calvin and Catherine went to Shadow Leigh they were both on time and they both put their applications in the worker was very please to see them hello Sir Calvin Murphy and Catherine Murphy it’s good to have you both here working with us in Shadow Leigh Nursing Home said the nurse. Oh my goodness this brings memories back I remember when Sir Wilbert brought me here because he didn’t won’t to put up with me replied Catherine Murphy Oh grandma please don’t cry you aren’t staying here me and you both are just working here said Calvin Murphy. Now I want both of you to come with me to the laundry room and I will show you both what to do. Alright you both will be washing the patient’s clothings and taking them all up to their rooms but make sure that they have th right person’s name on their clothes here is a paper sheet with the patient’s names on them said the worker. Alright we will do it ma,am thanks for telling us replied Calvin alright please get busy said the nurse. We gotta do all of this work? Catherine ask yes grandma we better get going these patients needs their clothes now replied Calvin. Calvin you sure are working very hard over there when you get done washing those clothes start putting them in the dryer and come back and put these clothes in the washer said Catherine. After washing all of the clothes and drying them they had to put them on hangers so I need to look at this sheet with all of the patients on them Allen Johnson, Cynthia Smith, Penny Waldron, Harry Olsen, Daisy Cummings, Ida Mae Humphrey, Willie Steinburg, Odessa Steinburg, Gerald Kingsmen, Ivey Kingsmen, Harold Southland, and Verdette Southland said Calvin. What number is Harry Olsen? Catherine ask Harry Olsen is 243 replied Calvin alright 243 looking for 243 said Catherine grandma make sure you put it in the right spot replied Calvin Oh I think I found 243 said Catherine well if you found it hang it there replied Calvin. Alright who’s next? Catherine ask Harold Southland and Verdette Southland said Calvin Oh I know Verdette she is married to Harold oh my goodness I use to go to school with them replied Catherine. Wait you know them? Calvin ask Oh yeah Verdette and her husband be bickering with each other but they love each other daily but they aggravate each a lot Verdette is a heavy set woman she was always that big and her husband he is in an electric wheelchair one time I came to visit them at their house Verdette and her husband was joking on each other and he got mad because she made fun of his tooth and he ran her feets over in his electric wheelchair I thought that was funny replied Catherine. Soon Calvin and Catherine was done with work they both went home.
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