

fate part I
Pulling one of picture out of his album and leaned forward looked at the it the put it back and wiped tears off his face . Engraved in thought he decided to go home early that day .He called out for his secretary and brown muscular man with black hair and baby face walked into the office.
"John , please tell Mike that he can take the day off I won't be using my car today and if he wishes to take it for a spin I have no problem . " The manager instructed.
" Ok sir anything else ?" John asked
"Please cancel all of my appointments for the day." The manager answered as he walked out of the office.
Mr. Carlton was tall muscular man with brown eyes and brown curly hair. He never liked being driven to his house sitting lazily on back of the car, most of the time he preferred walking . On his way home he saw two armed men and had taken agirl hostage and wanted to rape her . The two men were pulling her into RV . Mr. Carlton sprang into action and save the girl and took her to the hospital ,payed for her treatment of miner injury she sustain during the struggle.
"what happened and where am I?" She asked after regaining conscious.
"You are in hospital and thank heavens you were saved by a very kind man who brought you hear" replied the nurse.
" where is he ? "she asked .
"He is gone but he instructed me to give you this and he also told that I should call taxi to take you home. " The nurse replied and walked out of the room.
Blessing opened that note and found a cheque of five thousand dollars and in that note was an address of a company , below the address was written " I would like to meet you to confirm that you are ok ,sorry for what happened to you and the two men have been arrested if you we to file a police report . See you tomorrow morning. "...........

#arnold STORY
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