

Why Do You Love?
"It is the way I love people, not because I love them or the other way, it's because when I love, I love too hard."
                                        ~ Zoë Rebecca

When you wake up what do you see? You're loved one? No, because it's God, He is the great love of them all, He is my one great love no matter what happens to me I just seek Him, and He will do the rest and of course, I should help myself also, loving God is great when you dare to admit all your sins, especially when you're in pain just pray to Him, He doesn't forsake or abandoned you instead He will help you along the way, your love for Him will be the greatest.

Loving someone can make you whole or break your ligaments, love is the most powerful thing in this world, and love means sacrifice for your loved ones, I love too hard that in the end, I lose it, you don't love someone because you're lusting for it because it isn't love at all, love should be the comfort of you, it shouldn't be the war or a battle your taking in because the world is cruel already, love can destroy too, love can make you believe in love again and as for some people, they won't believe in love again.

I'm not in a relationship right now because of someone and because of that someone I have trust issues, and I think I can never love again the same way I did for him, he made me believe in love again then he broke my heart into pieces, I know and I feel it that he loves me more than a friend, he gives me a false hope until I died every time waiting for him, but he rather put on some excuse every time rather than being with me.

He and I aren't meant to be, I'm sure of that because I love too hard and he doesn't know the meaning of love, because I know somewhere out there that is deserving of my love a man not just a boy like him, a man that knows how to be a man, I'd rather not love again than making the wrong decision again before you give everything in the name of love make sure that he loves you as much as you love him.

Title credits: Michael

© XoXo