

Attitudes affect results
One day a girl complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn't know how she was going to make it. He was tired of struggling and struggling all the time. It seemed that only one of his problems could be resolved, and then the others soon followed to be solved.
His father who is also a chef took him to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed them over high heat. After the three pots started to boil, he put some potatoes in one pot, some eggs in the second pot, and some coffee beans in the third pot.

Then she sat down and left the three pots on the stove to boil, without saying a word to her daughter. The daughter sighed and couldn't wait, wondering what her father had done.
After twenty minutes, he turned off the stove. He took the potatoes from the pot and placed them in a bowl. He picked up the egg and placed it in the bowl.
Then he ladled the coffee and put it in the cup. Then he turned to look at his daughter and asked, "Son, what do you see?"
"Potatoes, eggs, and coffee," the daughter hastily answered.
"Take a closer look, and touch this potato," said the father. The daughter did what her father asked her to do and noted in her mind that the potato was soft. Then the father asked him to take an egg and break it. After removing the shell, he found a boiled egg. Finally, the father asked him to taste coffee. The rich aroma of coffee made him smile.
"Dad, what does all this mean?" He asked.
Then the father explained that the potatoes, eggs and coffee beans had each faced the same difficulty, namely boiling water.
However, each one showed a different reaction.
The potato was strong and tough. However, when put in boiling water, the ketang becomes soft and weak.
Eggs are fragile, with a thin outer shell that protects the liquid inside until they are put in boiling water. Until finally the inside of the egg becomes hard.
However, the ground coffee beans are the most unique. After the coffee beans are exposed to boiling water, they change the water and create something new.
"Which one are you, son?" asked the father to his daughter.
"When difficulties come to you, how do you deal with them? Are you a potato, egg, or coffee bean? "

In life, many things happen around us. Many things have happened to us. But the only thing that really matters is what happens to us mentally?