

Her Story
Ch 1

Luna POV

I'm on my way to school, I made sure I look normal like any normal kids around. I cross the road and ride the bus.

I am Luna Bella, 16 years old and born on December 30. I was named after my mom and my grandma. My mother name is Lunnella while my grandma is Bellaine. I don't know who's my father is and I don't care about him.

My mom meet my father when she was only 18 and he was 25. My mom said that my father just disappeaed, leaving her behind. At that time, she was carrying me. My mom believes he would come back but she passed away before she get to see him again.

My grandma has been taken care of me ever since she died. We are not poor nor rich, we can afford our expenses well.

The bus stopped and it was my time to get off. I am now standing in front of the school gate. I look around and saw many students and some of them are from the rich families. Well, it's normal for this school to have this kind of students since this school is one of the most famous schools, where many successful people had graduated.

As I was walking through the hallways to find my locker, I noticed many students circling around. I never bothered to know what it is and just straight to my locker.

Open my locker calmly while the noise of the students shouting and cheering gets louder. I look it from my locker and saw two male students having bruises on their face, standing there with sweats and heavy breathe.

Instead of stopping them, they cheered and keep praising their fights. I think of them as a group of kids who fight for candies.

"They're stupid" I mumbled under my breathe before take a sigh while putting my books inside the locker.

I'm in my classroom, sitting quietly in my desk while looking at the window. My seat was at the back of the row near the window. I love this area.

Then suddenly, a loud bang startled me and I look at where the sound and it was one of the male student earlier. He got bruises on his face and had a cold and dangerous eyes but it seems that what it makes him attractive enough to make the girls blush. He sat in behind me then he put his arm on his table and place his head on it. It seems he's tired, must be because of the fight earlier.

A female student sit next to me after that, she was beautiful. Curly red hair with dark brown eyes.

"Hello" she spoke like she was bored or tired.
"Hi?" I respond, I look at her again and it seems she smiled and that even made her more attractive.

"Luna" I snapped then look at her confused as to why she knows my name?.

"How do you know?" I asked her while tilting my head on the side to see her face but she smiled even more and it made me even more confused.

"The name tag" she said while pointing my name tag on my uniform. "And also because of your black hair and black eyes" she added while getting closer to me as her hand touched my chin. She look at me as if she look at my soul.

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