

I live in Clover,a small town in the Arctic,and I was watering my house lawn the other day when I noticed there was a new neighbour in the house next door, and going by the looks of it,there was a young man, and he was alone.What were the signs?a car,a simple interior and lack of female presence. Coming days I would realise that he was here for a purpose,an agent, undercover that too. How did I get to know? "Are you done watering the lawn?",a voice surprised me. "yes?", I asked. "could you please see this and help me identify the photos,any person or place here that you know?",asked he. "okay,let me",said I. As I saw them I recognised the familiar faces in my dear neighborhood and the all too familiar surroundings,the church, the school,the townhall etc.Now I was a bit shocked, because why would someone,a new person to this place take pictures and ask me,a random person who was out of the house on a random day these questions. Was it just coincidence or he knew I could be questioned easily or something? So the conversation ensued,"Of course, that's the library,...the doctor,the policeman.", I ended."But why?""Just getting myself familiar with surroundings of my new abode"."Ok then I need to go check my oven,catch you later", I said."Bye",said he,still in his suit. I started walking away into my house, I heard a car stop,and somebody get out,and heard nothing after that. Next day,he was up early and out, I was getting my mail in the morning at 7,when he spoke again,"Good morning". He was in an uniform."Good morning, going to work?"
"Yes,want to join me?"
"Where to?"
"The police station."
"Oh so you are an officer?and those photos?"
"My new case"
The cover was blown.
He was into an investigation into the recent occurrences in the town. I hadn't read newspaper lately but seems like there was a crime or crimes that had yet to be solved,and somehow this called for an officer from the outside.Maybe this town's police was dead,or away. But why would someone come right next door of a simple woman and ask questions, surely nothing sinister had occurred in my house atleast,not even the Jones's on right. It must have been the same house he's come into. Now I think of it the family that lives there had left just last week on a vacation,but they never mentioned selling or renting it out to someone else. Who was in the car? another police officer?or someone who was keeping an eye on this particular street? But if he had a car,with a license,he was supposed to be clean?no criminal history,maybe it was just one of those random cars. But they spoke, didn't they?a layman and an officer,what about?same questioning?but the car stopped on its driver's own consent. So was that unexpected on his part to encounter the officer? And those photographs had nothing off about them,so what was the purpose?maybe a tiny detail I hadn't noticed.
I later got to know that it was all taken on the same day,the day of crime in question. There'd been a burglary and a murder. Whether it was brought on by the attempt or pre-planned was another point to be thought about. These were my thoughts the next day, I am Miss Maple,the withering dry leaf of this very young neighborhood in Canada. And my maple syrups are quite famous here. I sell them for a dollar an ounce,want some? So the family next door on vacation are a couple,who have a baby,and apparently it's the same house that burglary has happened and the murder of the caretaker. It all turned out that the caretaker was actually the Earl of this county,and that he was in the house for just a day when the burglar struck,the stolen items were a chest of treasure from the 16th century,that has been passed down to this present Earl,a pearl necklace,a diamond ring,an emerald choker,a golden chalice,among the contents.
Day three, I took out the newspaper,still no published record of the crime,just regular town news,the play in the townhall,the parish asking for donations,and the centre piece was the upcoming elections. I finished my tea,kept the paper away, and walked to the front porche,and I almost walked to the new neighbour's door but before I could bang the doorknocker,he came out,going to work. It was 9,today he was later than the very next day we met. Maybe his work was pending some information, anyway,he greeted as soon as he saw me,and after the courtesies, I invited him for tea,but he declined as he'd had his coffee and was out to the station. "Could I borrow your paper?",said he. "Why,yes",said I. I turned to fetch it,he was following me to my house,and we were now inside,and I took out the paper and handed it to him,which he glanced at and gave me back,maybe I hadn't noticed any minor detail this time too,but he seemed a bit glum at his observation. I was already itching to find out what in the world was this treasure chest doing in that particular house,and who in this town could have done the burglary,and more importantly was the same person responsible for the Earl's murder,or was it a different person?it would complicate the case more but justice is justice,you have two crimes,then you have two criminals.
The next day newspaper carried an article on the crimes,and carried a picture of the mayor,who was looking down in the dumps,due to the upcoming elections and the crime in his town,but surely he would have dealt this in his term of office before,so the worry lines were not justified on an otherwise seasoned mayor who got elected by a majority in his first time in a new county. They meant he knew something about this burglary. And especially since this picture was taken for official purpose,he must have been too engrossed in the matter to have not cared about the lines his frown was making. I asked the officer about any developments,he said the case was open and shut. I was surprised,he said the culprit was already arrested. I asked him who was it,he said,"oh why, it's the mayor", I was like shell shocked, because the law couldn't go against the law,turns out it was personal,the Earl was his own father and been cut off from the royalty,and his mother had married a stepfather and raised him here in Canada instead of England. And the Earl was repenting in his old days and came here to meet his erstwhile lover,but found he has a grownup child instead,who was now the mayor,he tried to make amends but the son was shocked and in that altercation he killed him out of angst.The burglary took place while they were having that row. The chest was meant for the lady,but now she was dead,and his son wasn't in the right mind to digest the injustice meted out to him,so he opened it and just left it like that,which got plundered by the Earl's men who'd come along. This undercover agent was the Earl's far relative by marriage,and he figured he was in this town and followed him here,but was late. He had got into the force just before the case.
(sorry for the shitty story,no mystery)