

The Emoji Quiz - Peter Heffely
Hello starshine! The Earth says Hello! Well, this is Peter Heffely again, let me start with my another story- Emoji Quiz!

2 May 2019

My summer vacations were started. All bored, I watched TV in my bedroom. channel of some Formula 1 Car Race🚘. When the car race show on TV ended, I changed the channel and there I saw a contest. "THE EMOJI QUIZ! " 😊🤫😁🤣🤐😛

I was interested in the quiz. On that channel they told all about Emoji Quiz. They told that this quiz competition will have auditions in some capital cities of U.S. states which are - NEW YORK, WASHINGTON D.C. OKLAHOMA CITY, DALLAS and MIAMI. And the audtions in Dallas was on 7 May 2019, just 5 days from today.

I was very happy to see. But then I saw the registration fees which we had to pay before the audition was $15! Just for a contest my mother wont give me fifteen dollars. In my pocket money I only had $4. So, if I had to use my pocket money, so I would need more $15 - $4 = $11. So, I needed to ask my parents and convince them to lend me $11 and to let me participate in the competition. So, from that evening, I was ready to convince my parents. On the dinner table- I wanted to ask them but I was a bit scared that "What if they refused ro me?". But still I have to ask them. Briefly, I asked them-" Mom and Dad, there is a Emoji Quiz competition in U.S. in which children from many states and cities are participating. So can you let me participate and lend me $11 dollars for that? Please?". My father replied-" Pete, for your happiness, I can even give you $100. How much money you said? Mmm. Eleven dollars right? I give you $20.Take it." My father took out his purse from the pocket and gave me $20! I was super happy. And then I asked my father-" So, do you also allow me to particiapte in the competition?" My father replied-"Mmmm. No." "What!?" I replied. " Ofcourse I allow you as I gave you twenty dollars." My father said. "Oh." I was relieved. And now I don't have to use my pocket money also as I got $20. At night I slept very nicely and happily.

3 May 2019

I woke up and switched on the TV to see more info about Emoji Quiz. They said that in the Emoji Quiz you have to answer some questions related to Emojis. And I am a expert of that. But I have to learn all countries flags as there are flags also in emoji. Till evening, I practiced a lot about emojis. At night after dinner I again switched on the TV and saw that The Emoji Quiz has some sample questions on a
website . So I decided I will solve those questions on my laptop tomorrow.

4 May 2019

I switched on my laptop and started solving the questions. I solved over 30 questions. Then when I clicked on submit, I couldn't believe that my all questions were correct. So, I was ready to give the audition.

7 May 2019

Today I woke up at early morning as the...